

Security and Compliance

Tracking User Time Zone and Language

You can record the contact's time zone and language in two ways:

  • via API.
  • using the SDK (when transferring data from the frontend of the mobile application).


Send data about language in RFC 5646 format. A primary language subtag in ISO 639-1 format is required. Example: de-AT

Send data about time zone in TZ database format. Example: Europe/Kyiv


You can track user attributes (language, time zone etc.) only for users with external user IDs.

API Methods

Use Add/update a contact API method to add a new or update an existing user and Add/update contacts for bulk adding/updating your users’ data.

Add/update a contact request example

curl --request POST \
     --url https://api.yespo.io/api/v1/contact \
     --header 'accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8' \
     --header 'authorization: Basic 
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '
     "channels": [
               "type": "email",
               "value": "john@example.com"
     "languageCode": "en-us",
     "timeZone": "Europe/Kyiv",
     "firstName": "John",
     "lastName": "Smith",
     "externalCustomerId": "24233"

Add/update contacts request example

curl --request POST \
     --url https://api.yespo.io/api/v1/contacts \
     --header 'accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8' \
     --header 'authorization: Basic 
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '
     "contacts": [
               "channels": [
                         "type": "email",
                         "value": "john@example.com"
               "firstName": "John",
               "lastName": " Smith",
               "languageCode": "en-US",
               "timeZone": "Europe/Kyiv",
               "externalCustomerId": "543323"
     "dedupeOn": "externalCustomerId"


Add user attributes like time zone and language by the following method:

Reteno.updateUserAttributes(externalUserId: "USER_ID", userAttributes: UserAttributes, subscriptionKeys: [String], groupNamesInclude: [String], groupNamesExclude: [String])

The UserAttributes object example:

func saveUser() {
    let attributes = UserAttributes(
        phone: user.phone,
        email: user.email,
        firstName: user.firstName,
        lastName: user.lastName,
        languageCode: "en-US",
        timeZone: "Europe/Kyiv"
    Reteno.updateUserAttributes(externalUserId: user.id, userAttributes: attributes)

Details >

Android SDK

Methods for adding user attributes:

Reteno.setUserAttributes(String externalUserId, User user)
Reteno.setUserAttributes(externalUserId: String, user: User?)

The userAttributes object example:

fun setLanguageTimeZone() {
        val userId = "UserIdHere"
        val userAttributes = UserAttributes(
            languageCode = "en-US",
            timeZone = "Europe/Kyiv"
        val user = User(
            userAttributes = userAttributes,
            subscriptionKeys = listOf("key1", "key2", "key3")
        application.getRetenoInstance().setUserAttributes(userId, user)

Details >

React Native SDK

Method for adding user attributes:

import { setUserAttributes } from 'reteno-react-native-sdk';

    externalUserId: "USER_ID",
    user: {
        attributes: userAttributes,
        subscriptionKeys: string[],
        groupNamesInclude: string[],
        groupNamesExclude: string[]

The userAttributes object example:

  user: {
    userAttributes: {
      languageCode: "de-AT",
      timeZone: "Europe/Kyiv",

Details >

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