

Security and Compliance

In-App Report

The report on the interaction with In-App messages displayed according to the triggering rules is presented in the Campaigns → Reports section.

Campaigns → Reports

The report shows views, clicks, errors, and activity dynamics.


See general options for working with reports at the link >

Conventionally, the report consists of 4 parts:

  • General information.
  • Performance indicators.
  • Revenue.
  • Detailed statistics.

In-App report

General Information

The first part of the report contains the following data:

  1. The In-App’s name.
  2. Published date.
  3. Message ID. To copy an ID, click on the copy icon next to it. Click on the link icon to edit an In-App.
  4. In-App preview (not displayed for HTML version).

General information

Performance Indicators

Yespo automatically tracks the performance of widgets, including views, clicks, and errors.

Performance indicators

Green marks on the scale show the conditional indicators of a successful campaign, and red marks are negative indicators' conditional norm.

Clicking on any report item opens a window for viewing the contacts list.

Viewing the contacts list

Above the general statistics are the following tabs:

  • Export. Allows you to export contacts from the report to a CSV file or an existing/ new list. Export is available for all campaign metrics: viewed, clicked, and errors.
  • More. Allows you to delete the report.

Additional actions


If you set up integration with a CRM system that records order data, you can evaluate the financial results of the campaign.


More on the settings for displaying revenue >

Detailed Statistics

The Activity dynamics tab displays the Performance graph, which shows views and clicks since the In-App publication.

Activity dynamics

You can filter tabs’ data using the Add details option.

Add details

Multilanguage (optional)

Multilanguage is an automation tool that enables sending messages in different languages within one campaign. It helps avoid long message lists and voluminous unsystematic reports for every message.

Learn more about multilingual campaign report >

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