

Security and Compliance

Actions After Form Submission

Set the rules for actions that must happen after form submission.

Adding Contacts to Segments

Select segments to add contacts to. Without selected segments, contacts are saved to your account without adding to segments.

Select the segments

Double Opt-In

Activate subscription confirmation via email. When Double Opt-In is disabled, subscribers are added as contacts to your list without email confirmation.

Double Opt-In

You can use the default email, edit or replace it.

Email confirmation

The button with the confirmation link in the email for integrated widgets must have the following mandatory settings:


  • Type: Subscription confirmation,
  • Link: $data.get('redirectUrl')

Link settings

Event type: SysContactConfirmed

Event type

If you need to change system workflow, see the instructions.

Redirecting After Click

Select where to send the user after clicking the confirmation link: the default redirect page or verified domain URL.

Where to direct

When choosing the Verified domain URL, in the URL field, enter only the URL in the verified domain address of your company and its subdomains.

Verified domain URL

If you don’t have verified domains, click the Verify domain button.

More details about verifying domain >

Enabling Onboarding

Select one of the options:

  • Send welcome email: sending works automatically; you do not need to create additional workflows.
  • Send welcome series through workflow: select event type or create a new one and launch it to your welcome workflow.

More on launching a triggered campaign on event >


Activate the toggle Only to new contacts to avoid sending a welcome campaign to existing contacts.

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