
Predictive and generative AI in Yespo CDP

Get the most out of your data with AI-powered CDP

Increase efficiency of marketing communications with out-of-the-box AI solution

Artificial intelligence handles routine tasks 10X faster with 10X more efficiency than even the most experienced marketers.

Create unique content in just a few clicks

Save time on writing with our AI-powered email editor. Just write a quick draft, and let our tool:
  • shorten or expand the text;
  • quickly translate into one of 10 languages;
  • add emojis or correct grammar;
  • change the tone of voice;
  • improve the subject line and preheader.

Spend hours, not days, creating new campaigns

AI can assist you with the creation of whole campaigns from scratch. Outline sequences with all necessary steps, including what channels to use and what messages to send based on your unique needs. Customize each message in the sequence so it’s consistent in tone and voice. All in a matter of minutes.

Segment your users with impeccable accuracy

Manual segmentation of customers often feels like a shot in the dark. Remove the guesswork with predictive segmentation. Create segments and target campaigns for customers who are almost guaranteed to make a purchase.
  • Cut costs on expensive channels like SMS or WhatsApp, Viber etc.
  • Reduce unsubscribes by engaging only those interested.
  • Predict campaign outcomes before launching it.

Show each user exactly what they are looking for

Increase revenue from your recommendations by 10-20% by adding personalization blocks across all your channels.
  • Show products that the exact customer is likely to buy based on their history, the behavior of other customers, and other hidden factors that are impossible to predict manually.
  • Personalize emails, website content, SMS, push notifications, communication in messengers, and more.
Our Case Studies
Marketplace increased sales by 10% with personalized messages in a mobile app
Prom.ua, a leading marketplace, used Yespo to generate personalized recommendations in a mobile app. 30% of sales from triggers are attributed to individual product recommendations generated by our algorithms.
PromUA Case Study
PromUA Case Study
PromUA Case Study
Retailer generates 49% of sales in promo emails with product recommendations
Comfy, one of the largest regional retailers of household appliances and electronics, implemented recommendations in its promotional emails. Personalized blocks generated 49% of sales in these emails. CTR of the recommendations block in general newsletters was 41%.
Comfy Case Study
Comfy Case Study
Comfy Case Study
Construction tools seller increased ROI of product recommendations by 23.5%
Dnipro-M, a major manufacturer and seller of construction tools, improved the personalized recommendation blocks on its website, boosting their ROI by 23.5%. The effectiveness of these recommendation blocks increased by 2.4x on the homepage and by 2.2x on the product pages.
DniproM Case Study
DniproM Case Study
DniproM Case Study
Increase ecommerce revenue with our AI-driven toolkit
Yespo can provide direct and immediate increase in revenue and better ROI to any B2C business. Get more out of your existing properties and customer base without additional work.
Predictive segmentation
Segment users by AI predictions
Ditch time-consuming and error-prone methods such as rule-based filtering and segmenting. Our AI excels in:
  • predict users who are ready to make a purchase and send them an offer they can't refuse;
  • filter out the non-buyers — save resources and focus on high-value customers instead;
  • track customer segments at risk of churning to win them back.
Add dynamic segment
Superior personalized recommendations
Create precise recommendations for each customer
Our AI algorithms analyze multiple data-points per customer to make most appropriate prediction:
  • previously browsed products;
  • most popular products in the category;
  • most popular products on the website by order or views;
  • items that are often bought with those the visitor is interested in;
  • recommendations based items that have been added to the cart;
  • activity in messages: email, push notifications, etc;
  • similarities between individual customers and customer groups, etc.

And that’s not all — AI can automatically prioritize products and offers that are likely to generate the highest engagement from each customer.
Display your best products
Higher AOV across the board
Increase the average order value with time-sensitive triggered recommendations
AI is capable of generating precise upsell and cross-sell recommendations for each purchase right when the customer is ready to engage with them. This allows you to increase the AOV and improve the user experience.
  • Show the best accessories and supplementary items for each purchase or viewed product.
  • Recommend better and more expensive versions of products that the user is viewing.
Frequently bought together
No need for data scientists or developers
Abandoned VIew

Every day 3,500 customers get more online sales with Yespo automated industry-specific campaigns

NPS based on 2361 customer votes
8.5 out of 10
Personalize customer experiences across all channels with AI
Yespo CDP’s advanced AI-powered algorithms can be used to generate product recommendations in a wide range of channels.
Personalize content in all your direct communications:
Add your best offers
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