

Security and Compliance

Contacts Analytics

The contacts analytics contains detailed information about your contacts from the moment they were created in Yespo. 

It is divided into sections:

  • Contact list overview by marketing channels

  • Contact list overview by activity

  • Contact growth overview

  • Subscriber engagement overview

  • Segment tracking

  • RFM analysis

  • Cohort analysis

To view contacts statistics, go to the Contacts → Analytics tab.

Contacts statistics

Let's consider each section in more detail.

Contact List Overview by Marketing Channel

Chart marketing channels

The chart shows the total contact amount in each marketing channel: Email, SMS, Web Push, Mob Push and In-App. If some channel is not in the database, this field will not be displayed and participate in the calculations.


The overview shows statistics for the last elapsed day; recalculation ends before 02:00 UTC

The following 3 overviews — activity, growth, and engagement — are divided into tabs by channels. Select the appropriate tab to see overviews of one of these channels.

Contact List Overview by Activity

In this statistics section, pie charts display the structure of the contact base by activity.

Email activity diagram

Email activity diagram

Statistics categories:

Active subscribers. Contacts included in the campaign in the last 3 months:

  • opened;

  • opened and clicked — opened and clicked the link from the email.

Inactive subscribers. Contacts who received the campaign but were not sufficiently engaged:

  • opened over 3 months ago;

  • never opened;

  • soft-bounced — an email exists, but message delivery is impossible. For example, the mailbox is full, temporarily blocked, etc. If the status changes (for example, the email address becomes inactive after a year), such contact will fall to the Black List category;

  • unconfirmed — contacts who indicated their email in the subscription form but did not confirm it. The reasons may differ — an error in the address, filling out the form by a bot, etc.

Lost subscribers. Contacts that previously participated in campaigns but are now unavailable for the following reasons:

  • unsubscribed;

  • reported spam;

  • blacklisted — you or another user sent messages to this address, and the mail service answered that the mail does not exist. Such an address is blacklisted and no longer participates in the campaign. The blacklist is end-to-end, that is, you upload an email address to the system, and it may already be on the blacklist.

Never sent. Contacts you have never sent campaigns to. For example, a contact was previously blacklisted or was accidentally removed from a campaign segment. Here you can see the following statistics:

  • unsubscribed;

  • reported spam;

  • blacklisted;

  • unconfirmed;

  • available — addresses available for the campaign.

Web Push, Mobile Push, App Inbox and In-App activity diagram

Web Push, Mobile Push, App Inbox and In-App activity diagram

Statistics categories:

Active subscribers. Contacts included in the campaign in the last 3 months:

  • opened (Web Push, App inbox and In-App channels);

  • opened and clicked.

Inactive subscribers. Contacts who get the campaign but were not sufficiently engaged:

  • opened over 3 months ago;

  • never opened.

Never sent. Contacts you have never sent campaigns to.

Diagrams interactivity

All chart elements are interactive and divided by colors — clicking on any segment in any channel displays its structure.

Diagrams interactivity

Exporting contacts with different activity statuses to the groups 

  1. Click on the required field. For example, Opened field.

Exporting contacts

  1. Click the Create a segment button in pop-up window. 

Create a segment

The data is current at the time of export. After clicking Create a segment button, the segment appears in the general segment list.

Contact Growth Overview

The chart shows contact growth for a specific time. Click on the channel tab and select period to view statistics.

Contacts growth overview

Email contacts growth overview

Under the graph, there are categories of contacts, divided depending on the source of entry or the reasons for deactivation.

Сontact categories


Contacts added from events are created using the Generate event v2 method, provided that segmentation is enabled for the event

To remove a category from the chart, click on its name — it will not participate in the calculation.

Removing a category from the chart

You can deactivate any number of categories.

Web Push, Mobile Push and In-App contact growth overview

Web Push, Mobile Push and In-App contact growth overview

Categories for Web Push, Mobile Push and In-App channels:

  • Subscribers

  • Unsubscribed

The growth dynamics for Mobile Push and In-App displays statistics separately for Android and iOS.

Android and iOS statistics

Subscriber Engagement Overview

This section displays subscribers' reactions to campaigns as linear graphs, showing points with values when hovering over the graph.

Statistic time for all channels — 3, 6, 9, and 12 months. Also, you can set the time interval for a specific period.

Subscriber engagement overview

The top graph allows you to assess the level of interaction with the audience and contains the following categories:

  • Sent, opened, clicked — for Email, Web Push, and In-App channels

  • Sent, clicked — for Mobile Push channel

  • Opened, clicked — for App Inbox channel

Statistic categories: sent, opened, clicked

The bottom graph indicates issues or deficiencies that require attention and possibly adjustments in the communication strategy, containing the following categories:

  • Unsubscribed, reported spam, error — for the Email channel

  • Error — for all other channels

Statistic categories: unsubscribed, reported spam, error

Segment Tracking

The table shows growth dynamics in specific segments.


You can add any segment to collect statistics. The system starts collecting the segment’s statistics for this chart from the day you add it.

More on segment tracking >

RFM Analysis

The analysis displays contact activity from two weeks to the entire period.

Campaigns and sales statistics divided into tabs.

Campaigns and Sales tabs

Actions with the segments

RFM analysis table is divided into segments. You can do the following actions:

  • export to segment;

  • delete;

  • create an event when the contact moves between segments.

To export to segment or delete contacts:

  1. Click one or more cells. The selected segments will be marked with a checkmark.

Selected segments

  1. Click the Export to segment or Delete contacts button.


To create an event on moving between segments:

  1. Click the Add event button

Adding an event

  1. Select the segments and event type.

Segments and event type

  1. Click the Save button.

 The cell, transition from which triggers an event, is indicated by an eye icon.

Cell indicating

More details about RFM analysis >

Cohort Analysis

The cohort analysis table shows contact data for different periods depending on contact activity. By default, the table uses Customer retention rate cohort type. Cohort sizes can be defined by month and in different periods.

Cohort Analysis

More details about Cohort Analysis >

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