Yespo System Update for April 2024

In this article, we have collected the most important updates for April, including the new segmentation features, advanced analytics, etc.

You can view previous updates by following this link.


Values from the contact's additional fields in the block Timer

Now, in the Timer block, you can receive the time for the Wait until parameter from the contact field. The time should be passed in the text field in the format: hh:mm or hh:mm:ss. For example, this option may be useful when the user selects a specific time for reminders about workouts, studying, or other regular activities.

If the contact card contains an empty field or a value in an incorrect format, the message won't be sent, and the corresponding error will be displayed in the workflow launch history.

Message preview in the workflows

When clicking on the Message and Message to segment blocks, the message preview specified in the block settings opens on the right. You can copy the message ID or open a full-screen preview window by clicking the three dots.

More about workflows >


Event types analytics

You can view the following data for each event type on the Event types tab: 

To view event type analytics, click on the three dots next to its name and select the reporting period.

Filtering events by metrics

We have added the following filters in the AutomationEvent types section:

Event analytics section

This section presents a list of events with their statistical indicators. The filters on the left panel are the same as in the Event types section.

To track specific metrics, use the set of additional filters at the top.

Use the Display tab to set the number of event types displayed per page and hide certain metrics if you are not interested in them.

Clicking on an event opens charts displaying the number of events and errors.

Click on the three dots next to an event name to view its history and dependencies (related workflows and dynamic segments).

More about events >


Export of In-App activity

The In-App channel's contact activity report can be exported to BigQuery, PostgreSQL, and via Webhooks.

Revenue from In-App campaigns

Now, you can view revenue from In-App campaigns.

In-App slider

We have added the Slider element in the settings of In-App messages, allowing you to scroll through images.

More about In-App >


Value checking in the segment conditions

The “is set” operator is now available for building dynamic segments for the following types of additional fields: number, text field, text area, date, and date with time.

We have added the “is set” option in dynamic segments for all additional contact fields and certain other fields, where previously only the “is empty” operator was available.

We have added two new options for events in messages: Available and Empty, which allow you, for example, to select all contacts who have had at least one send or not.

Segmentation by purchasing capability

Use buyability segmentation to save money on campaigns while not missing out on the potential revenue they're expected to bring. Keeping only the most likely buyers in your target segment will reduce the number of messages sent, protect subscribers from spam, and maximize potential orders.


Segment preview in the widget parameters

Now, you can check the settings of the target dynamic segment directly in the widget parameters by clicking on the preview icon.


Receiver in the message preview

During message previews in single reports (all media channels), message recipients' email addresses / phone numbers / tokens are displayed.

Account Management

Unsubscribe contacts

Marketer role users can unsubscribe contacts and edit their subscription categories.

Want to learn more about the Yespo Omnichannel CDP and our business efficiency solutions? Send an email to or book a demo. If you cannot find a certain functionality in your account, or if you have any questions about working in the system, please write to the support chat.

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