Anna Zabudskaya

CRM Marketing Specialist

Mariia Natarova


Le Gourmet case study

Le Gourmet Case Study: How to Set Up Basic Workflows in 40 Hours

Task Implement must-have tools for a quick start and get the first results
Solution Implement Abandoned View and Abandoned Cart triggers in email and SMS channels.
Set up an automatic collection of contacts from website forms, orders, and registrations.
Launch DOI, Welcome, and "Birthday" workflows.
Result Growth of the email contact database by 30%.
Start of sales from the first month of launch.
Full payback of settings from the 4th month.
Period Content creation, automation, and integration work: 40 hours.
Research period: April — September 2023.
Resources Yespo: integration team, customer success manager, agency.
Le Gourmet: marketing manager.
Audience at the time of launch 1500 contacts with phone number and email + 2000 contacts with phone number
Communication language Ukrainian
Features Segmentation by price to provide a promo code for an abandoned view or cart

About the Project

Le Gourmet is an online store selling premium cookware and household goods.

Before the company started working with the Yespo agency, they sent customers only letters about placed orders and registration on the website. We implemented a subscription form and basic email marketing trigger workflows to convert website traffic into subscribers and customers more efficiently and engage current contacts in repeat sales.

At launch, the customer base contained 3,500 contacts with phone numbers, 1,500 of whom also had emails in their profiles.


The Yespo team had to implement the following must-have tools:

  • Automatic collection of contacts thanks to the subscription form on the website, from orders and registrations;
  • Abandoned Views and Abandoned Cart workflows in email and SMS channels;
  • Double Opt-in (DOI) and Welcome workflows;
  • Birthday workflow.



Before we could start implementing the triggers and developing the subscription form, we needed to customize the integration on the Le Gourmet side:

In the Yespo CDP account we:

Setting Up the Abandoned View and Abandoned Cart Triggers

The Yespo agency team has drawn up the following implementation plan:

  1. Logic preparation.
  2. Message template creation.
  3. Setting up the dynamic content in messages.
  4. Creation of segments with promo code recipients.
  5. Creation of dynamic segments for launching the workflow.
  6. Testing the dynamic data substitution.
  7. Trigger workflows creation.
  8. Setting up the conditions for running workflows.
  9. Tracking the results.

Logic Preparation

It was important for Le Gourmet to remind customers of the most expensive product from an abandoned cart or view. The company wanted to do this the next day after emailing about the cart or view, respectively. We formed the following logic:

  • users with goods over UAH 1000 were sent a promotional code for the most expensive product via SMS;
  • users with goods for less than UAH 1000 were sent SMS without a promo code but with a link to the most expensive product.

Diagram with the Abandoned Cart trigger`s logic

We chose a similar logic for the abandoned views workflows. The only change was to the timer — here, it waits for one hour, not a day.

Diagram with the Abandoned View trigger`s logic

Message Template Creation

Yespo`s marketers developed one email template and two SMS templates for each trigger workflow.

Example of a behavioral trigger SMS template

We considered the different number of products in the cart or view when designing the email template. For this purpose, we used the following blocks:

  • structure with one product;
  • structure with two products;
  • structure with three products.

Whatever the number of products in the cart or view, the system will select the necessary combinations of blocks to display in the message.

Example of a notification template for abandoned views

Setting Up the Dynamic Content in Messages

We passed the ready-made email and SMS templates with the required content and product blocks to the Yespo integration specialist. He configured all the necessary parameters in the product blocks and connected the data sources agreed with Le Gourmet.

In this case, the data sources are Yespo`s algorithms, which are selected in accordance with a particular workflow business goal and used to select product recommendations in the email.

In an email message, you can display 3, 6, or 12 products or choose a different number according to your criteria by ordering a custom algorithm. In SMS, it is better to show only one product — usually the most expensive one from the cart or view.

Pay attention

You can always agree with your customer success manager on the number of product recommendations and choose your own algorithms. Our specialists implement everything so that it will benefit your business, and you will be satisfied using the functionality of Yespo CDP :)

Example of an email with dynamic variables

Creation of Segments with Promo Code Recipients

Choosing a group for sending an SMS with a promotional code through a dynamic segment is convenient. In the case of Le Gourmet, we used the conditions "Abandoned carts with in-stock items" and "Abandoned carts with a price of 1000 UAH or more". For the latter condition, the value "More than 999 UAH" was specified. This way, the system filters out contacts with items whose price equals or exceeds a thousand.

How to build an abandoned cart segment from 1000 UAH

Creation of Dynamic Segments for Launching the Workflow

To ensure that the trigger was sent only to contacts with truly abandoned carts, the dynamic segment combined the "abandoned carts in the last day" and "out of stock" entry parameters and excluded everyone who "Made an order today."

How to set up a dynamic segment for the Abandoned Carts workflow

A similar mechanism was implemented for abandoned views. Still, it was essential to exclude customers from the abandoned carts group so as not to distract their attention from completing the order with the selected products.

How to set up a dynamic segment for the Abandoned Views workflow

Testing the Dynamic Data Substitution

Once the segments with abandoned carts and views were ready, we tested whether the product data was correctly inserted into the email message.

How to do it:

  1. Go to the email editor and click “Preview”.
    Preview a message with dynamic content
  2. Click on "Select contacts".
    “Select сontacts” option to view a message
  3. Activate the "View contacts from a selected group" option and select the appropriate group from the drop-down list:
    "View contacts from a selected group" option to view the аbandoned cart notification
  4. Select the contacts and view the list of products collected from the data source.
    Testing the displaying of an email with products

You must contact the integration team if something is displayed incorrectly.

You can test the content substitution in SMS by sending a test message from the message editor.

SMS test button

Before doing so, ensure your contact is in the Abandoned Cart group. Usually, it's enough to log in to the website with your phone number, browse the product pages, put something in the cart, and leave the website.

If the integration is set up correctly, your contact will be added to the right group, and the system will have something to send to the SMS.

SMS with a promo code for the most expensive product

Trigger Workflows Creation

At this stage, Yespo`s marketers transferred the trigger logic to the workflow editor using the appropriate blocks and linked them together in the correct sequence.

The same sets of blocks were needed for the Abandoned Cart and Abandoned View workflows:

  1. Start — the "General" group.
  2. Email — the "Message" group.
  3. Timer — the "General" group.
  4. Opened? — the "Conditions" group.
  5. Member of a group — the "Conditions" group.
  6. SMS — the "Message" group.
  7. End — the "General" group.

The Abandoned Cart workflow logic

Please note that the Email and SMS blocks require a variable to identify the contact. Since this workflow will run once an hour for a dynamic segment, you should look for the required variable in the Event History among the events named regularEventType with the system's group ID.

History of events

Detailing the contents of these events opens when you click on the line with the event.

Variables in the event parameter

For the workflow, we chose the ContactId and applied the expression ${ContactId} in the Contact ID field in the Email and SMS blocks settings.

How to set up a ContactId call

We have set a time limit for sending SMS — the system can only send messages from 8:30 to 21:00.

Setting the allowed time for sending messages

Since the scenarios are identical in terms of block content and sequence, we made a copy of the already created workflows for the Abandoned Cart trigger and changed the name and timer to 1 hour instead of 1 day.

The Abandoned View workflow logic

Setting Up the Conditions For Running Workflows

Using the "Launch Settings" option, Yespo's marketers set the rules for running the workflow.

Conditions for launching the campaign

Key rules:

  1. The workflow will run regularly.
  2. The group to run is Abandoned Cart.
  3. The launch will start on the date specified in the Start Date field.
  4. Once an hour, the group to be launched will be recalculated.

To prevent the same contact from receiving notifications too often, you must set the "Handle unique events" condition. In the Le Gourmet project, according to users' purchasing behavior, Yespo`s marketers defined this period as 3 days.

Setting the frequency launching limit per contact

Tracking the Results

The openings, conversions, and sales were tracked in the "Campaigns" section → "Reports" → "Triggered" from the first sending moment.

Campaigns results

Subscription Form and Welcome Series Setting Up

The agency's marketers divided the process into 5 stages:

  1. Design — how the widget and its pages will look on desktop and mobile devices.
  2. Setting up widget display conditions.
  3. Connecting Double Opt-In with a confirmation email.
  4. The Double Opt-In workflow setting up.
  5. A Welcome workflow creation.

Design Creation 

The widget’s design was developed by Yespo's marketers based on the thematic elements of Le Gourmet products and was created in the Yespo CDP`s widget editor.

Widgets preview

The subscription form on the website looked like this:

Newsletter subscription form for a promo code

Display Conditions Setting Up

To choose the suitable intervals for displaying the widget and limit the number of times it is shown, we considered the website visitors` behavior and data from Google Analytics on session duration.

Calling the widget conditions

For Le Gourmet, Yespo marketers chose the following display conditions:

  • appears once every 5 hours;
  • if the user stayed on the page for 40 seconds or removed the cursor from the page, or was inactive on the page for 40 seconds.

We stopped showing the widget after a person closed it three times or after subscribing from this widget. We also excluded the display on the registration and checkout pages so as not to distract customers from targeted actions.

Double Opt-In Connection

The “Confirm email address by sending a message” widget built-in option automatically sends an email confirmation request to new contacts.

Widget built-in option

Next, we selected the message to be sent to new contacts. The agency's specialists created a simple Double Opt-In email based on the master template`s design.

Email confirmation request letter

The SysContactConfirmed system event was selected for the confirmation button in this email. When the button is clicked, it triggers contact confirmation.

How a system event looks like in the email editor

When the email was ready, it was linked in the widget settings for sending Double Opt-In.

Setting up an email to be sent after interacting with a widget

Double Opt-In Workflow Setting Up

The Yespo marketing agency developed a separate workflow with a second email to remind contacts to confirm after a while. The specialists used the Mandatory Transactional Email block to send Double Opt-In emails to unconfirmed contacts.


We advise you not to abuse these blocks. Ensure you don't send more than two such emails — the recipients of unwanted mail may complain about you, or the emails will end up in a spam trap.

The workflow with a confirmation reminder has the following logic:


For the reminder email block, we set a time limit for sending it at the allowed time. This way, the email won't be sent at night or in the morning, even if the form was filled out outside of business hours and the first confirmation message was sent without a time limit.

In the settings, we set the launch on the SysContactConfirmationRequest event and the processing frequency to "No more than once every 1 hour".

Setting up the Double Opt-In campaign launch

Welcome Workflow Creation

To launch the welcome campaign after confirming the email, we activated the "Increase contact engagement" option in the widget settings and created an event with the "Subscribe/Unsubscribe" type in the account.

First, create a new event type in the Event Types section.

The new Event Type section

Then select this event in the widget parameters.

Where to choose the event type

To ensure that only new contacts receive the email with the promo code, we additionally activated the "Only new contacts" switch.

In the workflow editor, we created the next logic:

  1. First, an email with a promised promo code for the first order is sent.
  2. After 4 days, an email with a birthday request is sent.
  3. After 2 days, the system sends an email with store benefits.

Welcome workflow logic

Pay attention to the variables you set in the workflow blocks settings.

In the case of Le Gourmet, the ${EmailAddress} variable key was used for the email-sending blocks because this is the name of the parameter in the "Widget5179" event that contains the value of the contact's email.

Variable key in the email editor

You can check the exact name of the variable key in the Triggers → Event History section after testing the widget by filling in the data in it.

Event parameters with a variable key

To set the conditions for launching the Wellcome workflow, select the same Widget5179 event that is specified in the widget settings in the "Increase contact engagement" section.

The campaign starts and stops setting up

To test the workflow, Yespo`s marketers first activated it and then filled out a form using the test link to the widget. You can get this link in the widget settings section.

How to set up widget testing

Birthday Workflow Setting Up

Le Gourmet and the Yespo marketing agency decided to send an email about the subscriber's birthday 10 days before the date and on the date itself. In both emails, they offer a promotional code for the order.

10 days before the holiday, they send an email reminding the birthday is coming up.

Pre-holiday letter

To run the regular workflow, we created a corresponding conditional group of contacts with the conditions "Birthday in 10 days" and "All contacts with an email". We excluded emails from the blacklist, unsubscribed emails, and those who complained about spam.

Launching campaign conditions

The following blocks are configured in the workflow:

  1. Start.
  2. Timer — 10:15.
  3. Email with a promo code 10 days before the birthday.
  4. End.

Subscriber`s birthday workflow

In the email sending block, we set the key of the ${EmailAddress} variable since it is the key that is used to generate the system event for the dynamic segment.

Event parameters with a variable key

In the workflow launch settings, we use the "Regular" option and select a dynamic segment 10 days before Birthday.

The next trigger is sent on the birthday. This email contains a greeting, an animated banner, personalization by name, and a promo code for a 15% discount.

Subscriber`s birthday email

To run the trigger workflow, we created a dynamic segment with the inclusion rule "Date of birth today". Instead, we excluded contacts that are on the blacklist, as well as unconfirmed and unsubscribed emails.

Birthday campaign launching conditions

The following blocks were used in the workflow:

  1. Start.
  2. Timer — 10:00.
  3. Email with a promo code on your birthday.
  4. End.

Birthday campaign workflow

In the Email block, we used the ${EmailAddress} variable, which contains the value of the contact's email.

Email block variable

When setting up the workflow launching, we selected the "Regular" type and a pre-prepared Today birthday group. The launch schedule is once a day.

Starts and stops birthday campaign setting up

The workflow start time was set from 7:00 to 8:00, so the dynamic segment would have time to recalculate, and the workflow would start before the 10:00 timer.

Interval to run the workflow


All the stages described in the case study were set up in 40 hours. From April to September 2023, the email database increased by 30%. The first sales from the very first month of launch came from the Abandoned Cart and Welcome Promo Code for Subscription triggers.

During the first month of operation, the widget managed to collect 254 subscriptions, which is +17% of the initial base size.

Results of the widget launch in the first two months

In six months, the subscriber base the client started with on the Yespo platform more than doubled. During these 6 months:

  • 1200 contacts were imported at the start of cooperation with Yespo from orders;
  • 1605 contacts were collected from the subscription widget, including 1421 new ones.

The contact base growth in six months

From the setup moment (March-April 2023) until January 2024, the Abandoned Cart, Abandoned View, and Welcome triggers brought additional sales every month. According to Dmytro, the Le Gourmet online store manager

... orders are quite seasonal and usually increase on the eve of summer and during high-profile holidays.

 The most sales were generated by a welcome email with a discount after email confirmation and a DOI email, which for some time had a promo code in the small print in the email preheader for the most attentive and impatient customers :)

The work on behavioral triggers and the subscription form paused for three months (June, July, and August 2023). Since September, the activity has resumed, and Le Gourmet has fully recouped the investment in agency services and the cost of Yespo CDP functionality.

“Last year, we finally decided to leverage email marketing, and now I can say with certainty that we shouldn't have delayed so long. After a long search and analysis of services, I chose Yespo, and I am completely satisfied with the quality of the services provided and the service of the team. We are currently increasing the number of newsletters. Customer loyalty and engagement increased by up to 30%”.

Dmytro Verba, Le Gourmet company owner

Setting up must-have triggers in Yespo CDP takes little time. In return, you get additional sales, customer loyalty, and constant communication with the Yespo support team.

Fill out the form, and we'll schedule an online meeting to find the best solution for your business. 

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Anna Zabudskaya

CRM Marketing Specialist

Mariia Natarova


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