
Communicate with customers through a popular messenger

Personalized messages in Telegram bot

Expand your reach and save on communication channels

Achieve business goals faster with a Telegram bot

Increase Sales

Send messages through a Telegram bot to offer customers related products and the best deals in their chosen category. Use behavioral triggers and personalized offers to increase your audience's conversion rates.

Optimize marketing communication costs

The cost of sending messages via Telegram bot is lower than through Viber and SMS. The available functionality and broad audience of the channel will help you meet your marketing needs while spending less.

Reconnect with inactive customers

To reactivate your customer base, remind them of your business with valuable offers in the Telegram bot. Engage inactive customers with appealing discounts and promotions.

Learn more about your customers

Conduct surveys, determine the NPS level, and gather necessary information about your customers through the convenient functionality of the Telegram bot. This will allow you to quickly respond to feedback and make decisions based on up-to-date data.
Our Case Studies
Profitable email marketing for ecommerce store in 40 hours
A premium cookware store, Le Gourmet, implemented essential eCommerce workflows, leading to steady growth in their email contact database. The setup process took just 40 hours, and the store saw an increase in sales from the first month.
Le Gourmet Case
1073% ROAS with RFM segmentation and welcome series
A supermarket chain, VARUS, segmented their customer list with RFM analysis and implemented omnichannel message sequences for each group. These simple tweaks resulted in a 1073% ROAS.
Varus Case
+199% revenue after email marketing revamp
Winetime is a leading gastro & wine market chain with 31 locations across Ukraine. They decided to relaunch their email marketing with Yespo. And after a thorough technical setup, template redesign, and creation of new email sequences, the revenue from the email channel increased by 199%.
Winetime Case
Increase business efficiency with Telegram bot
Ensure a comfortable interaction with customers that boosts loyalty and promotes sales growth.
Build ongoing connection with your audience
Telegram boasts over 1.5 billion users globally. If your customers don't use other channels, Telegram can be a beneficial alternative to increase your reach.
Telegram workflow
Personalize interaction
Choose who, when, and how will receive messages using segmentation. Remind about abandoned carts and viewed products or inform about a new product launch.
Abandoned view
User-friendly message editor
Benefit from all content possibilities
Increase the conversion of your communications with the extensive functionality of the text editor: add emojis and text formatting to grab attention, and buttons and links to drive traffic to your website or app.
Text editor
Add Telegram bot to your omnichannel strategy
Use Telegram alongside Email, Viber, SMS, and other channels to ensure consistent communication, personalize messaging, and optimize marketing costs.
Telegram in omnichannel strategy
Examples of using Telegram bot for ecommerce

Every day 3,500 customers get more online sales with Yespo automated industry-specific campaigns

NPS based on 2361 customer votes
8.5 out of 10
Personalize everything: channels, website, pop-ups, promo codes
Send personalized recommendations in the way that is the most convenient for your subscriber
Personalize content in all your direct communications:
Telegram in channels workflow
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