Natalie Ustymenko

Head of Direct Marketing

System Update

Yespo System Update for August 2023

In August, our specialists made changes to the system to make your work even more convenient. In this article, we have gathered the most important updates, most of which concern SDK, widgets, and the Public API.

Updates for Mobile Applications

Three New SDKs at Once

This month, our team has implemented three new SDKs: Ionic, Cordova, and Unity, which will allow:

  • To make integration with Yespo CDP simple and effective
  • To gain access to important information about your users
  • To use any data for the development of your business and improving marketing strategies.

 More data, more opportunities, and more success for your mobile application!

You can familiarize yourself with the features and setup stages at the links:

Sending Test Messages to the Application

Now you can send test mobile pushes from Yespo. 


  • If in your account there are no messages, then during the test sending from the “Debug view” screen, it will be created automatically and sent immediately.
  • If in your account there are ready-made messages, a sidebar will open for their selection.

Send test mobile push

SDK Integration Check

In the Debug view (SDK), information appeared about the absence of necessary parameters or push statuses.

Notifications display errors, possible reasons, and links to documentation that will help solve the problem.

Firstly, if the device has no token, a message will be displayed about the impossibility of sending test pushes. If the token is received, but there is no information about message statuses, it will be suggested to send a test message. After sending the test, the system should receive the DELIVERED/CLICKED statuses and, in their absence, will inform about possible reasons. If the UNDELIVERED status returns, you will be able to see what exactly caused the delivery error.

Send test mobile push

Learn more about mobile pushes > 

Last post


Revenue Display

Similarly to other media channels, you can track revenue from widgets. It can be associated with widget views or with clicks on links/subscriptions.

Ravenue display

By default, tracking is automatically enabled for informers (both new and already created). You can also activate revenue display for other types of widgets in their settings.

Ravenue calculation

Displaying Widget Activity in the Contact Activity History

It is available in all sections of the site where you can call this option. Statuses:

  • View
  • Transition

By clicking on the widget name, you will see what the widget looked like at the time of the activity. That is, if the widget was edited, the very version that the user saw will be displayed.

Widget activity

Widget Campaigns in the Reports Section

Similarly to other channels, the “Reports” section displays data on views, transitions, dynamics of activity, and profitability of widgets.\


Promo Code Copy Icon 

With the help of the icon, the user can copy or cut the promo code from the widget.

Promo code copy icon

Widget Display Rules by Location

In the "In Locations" section, there is an option to specify regions, cities, and countries.

Display rules

Data Export

Now you can export widget activity data to BigQuery, PostgreSQL, and using webhooks. It works similarly to the activity in mailings. For widgets, mediaType = "Widget" is specified.

Data export

Convert more visitors into paying customers

Other Updates

In-App in Contacts Statistics

Contacts statistics contain detailed information about your contacts from the moment they appear in your account. Now it is possible to examine the structure of the contact database also by In-App.

Contacts statistics

More about contact statistics >

Creating Dynamic Segments by Location

In the location selection dialog, the following appeared:

  • Translations of country names
  • Information on which country or region the location belongs to

Dynamic segment

More about creating dynamic segments > 

Workflow Testing

The lists that unfold after clicking on the "Run once" option now display all types of messages (previously — only email and SMS). Each workflow block contains relevant variables.

Workflow testing

More about workflows >

Group of Methods for Managing App Inbox Messages

These API resources help to optimize work with the App Inbox: for example, managing the content of messages or launching campaigns without logging into your account. The working logic of resources for App Inbox and email is similar.

More about API >

If you would like to know more about the system or its specific features, write to or sign up for a demo. If your account does not have any of the functionality described above, feel free to get in touch with our support team at

5.0 from 5 based on 1 reviews

Natalie Ustymenko

Head of Direct Marketing

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