Arina Ohol

CRM Marketing Specialist

Mariia Natarova


Bayadera case study

Case BAYADERA.UA: 3564% More Revenue Using Predictive Segmentation

Task Increase sales from the SMS channel
Solution Implement predictive segments in promotional SMS campaigns
Implementation зeriod July-August 2024
Resources Yespo’s agency marketer
Results Revenue from two campaigns increased by 1611% and 3564%

About the Project

BAYADERA.UA is an online alcohol store with a physical store, which is part of BAYADERA GROUP, the largest Ukrainian alcoholic beverages holding. The company began working with Yespo CDP in September 2022, and in June 2023, it expanded cooperation by adding support from our marketing agency.


With BAYADERA, we had a real match—they actively use the system's capabilities, such as triggers included in the Professional plan, widgets, omnichannel communication, etc. Almost every special offer, especially if it has a promo code, is sent via email, web push, and SMS:

Examples of messages from BAYADERA.UA

SMS and email are also used for omnichannel trigger messaging, for example, to inform about the current order status:

Example of an omnichannel workflow

This time, we decided to focus on increasing the efficiency of one channel—SMS. So our task was to increase profit from SMS campaigns.


BAYADERA.UA likes to test our new functionality. After the company had learned about predictive segmentation, they decided to try it for increasing profit from SMS.

Predictive segmentation

is a tool that helps companies understand customer behavior and adapt marketing strategies accordingly. Using artificial intelligence algorithms, the system determines the probability of engaging or losing customers.

The method takes into account various behavioral data, such as site visit frequency, interactions with web pages, clicks on CTA with discounts, patterns of past orders, and so on. This allows not only to determine who is ready to purchase but also to direct efforts to retain those who may leave.

Predictive segments offer significant advantages over manual ones—they can be easily created without the need to configure complex rules and conditions.

Simply select the “Predicted event” option (available in Professional and Universum plans) in CDP Yespo and specify the necessary parameters:

Predictive segment options within Yespo

There are four pre-made presets within the system:

  • Sure Buyers: Users with a very high probability of purchase. Perfect for premium products and exclusive offers, this segment can become your main revenue driver.
  • Potential Buyers: Users with a medium to high probability of purchase. These customers respond well to seasonal sales, product launches, and personalized recommendations.
  • Unlikely Buyers: Previous customers who haven't made a purchase in a long time. Re-engagement campaigns, win-back offers, and personalized messages can help return them to your business.
  • Undecided Buyers: Users with a low to medium probability of making a purchase. They might be interested but are not yet convinced. Offering incentive-based promotions, educational content, or feedback requests can help nudge them.

Additional Option: Recall. This is a manual option where you select the exact recall percentage that will meet your specific needs.

Recall value determines the size of your segment. Higher recall values yield larger segments with more buyers, potentially leading to higher revenue. Lower recall values return smaller segments that produce higher ROI.

The relation between recall, profitability, and the size of the customer segment

To confirm the effectiveness of predictive segmentation, we decided to conduct testing.

How to Set Up SMS Campaigns

Registering or connecting an alpha name is a key step. SMS campaigns won’t work without it. To do this, you need to go to Settings, select the "Senders" tab, and go to the SMS section:

How to create a new sender

You can add an alpha name in two ways:

  1. If the alpha name already exists, we transfer it to Yespo CDP through processing, given there is an integration with the provider (all available providers are indicated in the image below). After that, we will be able to launch campaigns.

Providers available for integration into CDP Yespo

  1. If the alpha name is absent, we should create it. One can do it by selecting the option "I want to register a new sender" in Yespo. The registration process takes from 7 to 30 days.

Registering a new sender

Testing a Predictive Segment in SMS

Before launching tests to check the effectiveness of the new approach, we’ve created two segments: one is predictive and the other includes the rest of the contacts that match the standard criteria.

So now we had two groups for promotional SMS campaigns:

  1. Group A – predictive segment.

This is the predictive segment. We set recall at 80% and defined a period of 30 days. In this case, the recall indicator determines the percentage of contacts identified by artificial intelligence as potential customers.

Group A with predictive segment

  1. Group B – all others.

This segment includes all the rest contacts that match the following criteria:

  • Subscribed in the last 5 weeks
  • Made a purchase in the last 6 months
  • Placed an online order in the last 24 weeks

Group B - the usual segment of BAYADERA.UA

For both groups, we excluded:

  • Blacklisted contacts
  • Company employees
  • Customers with the last purchase date within the last 10 days

List of those excluded from both groups

After both groups were formed, we launched a test for two campaigns:

  • The "Bigger Cart—Bigger Discount" promotion
  • Promo codes for Ukraine's Independence Day

SMS messages from BAYADERA.UA

SMS campaigns were sent on the same day and time for both groups.


Testing showed that the Group A, where predictive segmentation was applied, brought significantly more revenue than the Group B, where segmentation was configured manually:

  • In the "Bigger Basket—Bigger Discount" campaign, revenue increased by 1611%
  • In the campaign for Ukraine's Independence Day—by 3564%.

Denys Tomashchuk, CRM Manager of BAYADERA.UA


"We chose Yespo because it is the best tool for CRM marketing available on the Ukrainian market. It is suitable for both small online stores and ecommerce giants.


BAYADERA.UA is a relatively new project of the BAYADERA GROUP holding. In November, our online store will celebrate 3 years. Over these 3 years, we have grown in all directions, and Yespo has helped us in this. We have moved from basic triggers to predictive models, recommendations in emails and on the site. We implemented more complex tools as we evolved.


I have worked with Yespo on several projects and have always been satisfied with the cooperation. Personal manager, support, agency—they always come to help. And they also help develop the business with their advice and innovations."

Want to try predictive segmentation in your messaging but don't know where to start? Fill out the form below to get a consultation with the Yespo’s expert.

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Arina Ohol

CRM Marketing Specialist

Mariia Natarova


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