Ivan Diulai


O.TAJE case study

O.TAJE Case Study: How to Increase the ROMI of Viber Campaigns by 310% with Predictive Segmentation

Task Improve the ROMI of Viber promotional messages and reduce campaign expenses.
Solution Implement predictive segmentation for Viber messages.
Result 310% higher ROMI from predictive segments compared to similar campaigns that use manual segments.
Period June–August 2024.
Resources In-house direct marketing manager.

Segmentation is an invaluable technique in any modern marketer’s arsenal. It’s proven to improve a range of metrics, including open, click-through, and conversion rates. Proper segmentation is essential for a good customer experience. 

And above all, it’s among the primary revenue drivers for any business. In fact, up to 77% of ROI comes from segmented, targeted, and triggered campaigns in the email channel alone.

Despite these benefits, it's surprising that 42% of marketers don't use segmentation at all. A possible reason is that the whole process can be difficult and confusing when done manually. However, with the latest advancements in marketing technology, marketers don’t have to possess the Ogilvy-like level of insight to nail their campaigns. 

In this case study, we explore how a Ukrainian clothing brand implemented predictive segmentation through CDP Yespo and the results they achieved.

About the Project

O.TAJE is a Ukrainian brand of stylish knitwear for women. Founded in 2014 as Siyai, the brand later changed its name.

The company has been using Yespo since November 2022 to launch trigger and bulk campaigns in both Viber and SMS channels.

However, given that prices for SMS and Viber messages are expensive, O.TAJE is always on the lookout for new ways to improve the ROI of their marketing efforts.

 “We are always open to innovation, especially those related to artificial intelligence. AI is trending right now, and we keep up with the latest developments. Additionally, with your platform, it's easy to set up, so why not? :)”

Christina Nasirova – Brand Director at O.TAJE


O.TAJE’s marketers had the following objectives:

  1. Test predictive segments for Viber and compare the results to their regular campaigns.
  2. Decrease expenses associated with sending promotional messages through Viber.
  3. Spend less time creating segments.

“Our primary objective was to optimize costs. Additionally, we wanted to increase the speed of building effective segments.”

Christina Nasirova – Brand Director at O.TAJE


Predictive segmentation is an effective way to reduce campaign expenses with minimal effort.

It uses advanced machine-learning algorithms to process large datasets and identify customers based on specific criteria—in our case, those most likely to make a purchase.

These segments have one major benefit over manual ones—they are extremely easy to set up. There’s no need to create complex AND/OR conditions or layer variables.

All it takes is to select the “Predicted event” option in Yespo (available in Professional and Universum plans) and choose your option:

Predictive segment options within Yespo

  • Four pre-made presets:
    • Sure Buyers: Users with a very high probability of purchase. Perfect for premium products and exclusive offers, this segment can become your main revenue driver.
    • Potential Buyers: Users with a medium to high probability of purchase. These customers respond well to seasonal sales, product launches, and personalized recommendations.
    • Unlikely Buyers: Previous customers who haven't made a purchase in a long time. Re-engagement campaigns, win-back offers, and personalized messages can help return them to your business.
    • Undecided Buyers: Users with a low to medium probability of making a purchase. They might be interested but are not yet convinced. Offering incentive-based promotions, educational content, or feedback requests can help nudge them.

Additional Option: Recall. This is a manual option where you select the exact recall percentage that will meet your specific needs.

  • Recall value determines the size of your segment. Higher recall values yield larger segments with more buyers, potentially leading to higher revenue. Lower recall values return smaller segments that produce higher ROMI.

The relation between recall, profitability, and the size of the customer segment

During next X days: Specify the time frame in which you expect the transaction to occur.

Since the whole setup is so simple, there was no need for any additional preparation.

Example of a predictive segment

Project Implementation

To test the effectiveness of predictive segmentation, O.TAJE implemented a series of campaigns comparing predictive segments to their traditional manual segments.

Initial Campaign with Manual Segments

Before June, the company used manual segments to launch their Viber messages. This approach was already profitable for O.TAJE, but clearly, there was some room for improvement.

A complex manual segment used for Viber campaigns

An example of this approach was a campaign announcing a new product drop in April. The results were the following:

Open rate CTR Conversion rate ROMI
49.07% 19.09% 1.48% 171.57%

A message from the new drop campaign

Testing Predictive Segments

In June, O.TAJE decided to test predictive segments for their Secret Sale. They ran two campaigns simultaneously: one with their regular Viber targeting and the other with a predictive segment. Both used the same message and were sent to audiences of comparable sizes, making it was easier to evaluate which segment performed better.

A message used in O.TAJE’s secret sale

I want to improve my Viber campaigns!


  Open rate CTR Conversion rate ROMI
Regular segment 45.24% 21.10% 5.14% 389.19%
Predicted segment 57.83% 20.01% 5.73% 1010.89%

The campaign using predictive segments outperformed in nearly all metrics. Despite a slightly lower CTR, it achieved a 28% higher open rate, an 11% higher conversion rate, and a significant 159.72% increase in ROMI. 

As you can see, even minor increases in open and conversion rates can result in more than tripling the number of conversions from a similar-sized audience.

"What we like about predictive segments is how easy they are to set up and how effective they are."

Christina Nasirova – Brand Director at O.TAJE


Predictive segments are not intended to completely replace manual targeting. Marketers can still use manual approaches for smaller campaigns with specific goals and narrow targeting.

However, for broader campaigns aimed at maximizing ROMI, predictive segments are likely to perform much better.

Further Testing

O.TAJE proceeded to test predictive segmentation on several different campaigns, including a notable one launched in August. The company held a seasonal sale and used predictive segments for the Viber campaign supporting this promotion.

Open rate CTR Conversion rate ROMI
51.20% 14.34% 8.57% 938.37%

This campaign was a huge success, with an 8.57% conversion rate and an astonishing ROMI of 938%.

Keep in mind

O.TAJE used higher recall values (60-80%) for their campaigns. This approach works well for smaller, highly engaged lists. Lower recall values can produce even better results in terms of profitability, engagement, and overall ROMI.

A message used in O.TAJE’s seasonal sale

Results and Plans for the Future

Over five months of testing, campaigns based on predictive segments increased the most important marketing metrics when compared to manual segments, including:

  • 26% increase in click-through rates
  • 300% increase in conversion rates
  • 310% increase in overall ROMI of campaigns

Comparison of results between predictive and regular segments

“WOW! We didn't expect that a segment of 8K could generate almost 100K UAH in revenue. We understand that sales had a big impact, but still, this predictive model works.”

Christina Nasirova – Brand Director at O.TAJE

Following these results, O.TAJE is planning to test predictive segments for other channels as well, especially SMS, which is another expensive channel.

If you want to increase the effectiveness of your campaigns with minimal effort, Yespo’s predictive segmentation is a great option for you.

Feel free to reach out to us by filling out the form below. Our experts will get back to you and show you exactly how this technology can work for your business.

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Ivan Diulai


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