30 March 2017
3 min

Zapier: a helpful tool for eСommerce projects
Could we make communication with actual and potential clients more efficient, and at the same time to get rid of constant need of situation monitoring?
Yes, imagine that, it is possible!
Zapier api is usable and convenient tool which allows you to automate many business tasks and get rid of boring routine work.
The main advantage of actual service is option to configure integration of two or more apps. The list of featured apps is quite rich including our CDP too!
This way you can apply the connection of our system with any app you need and estimate the effect right now. So how to do it? For example, we can look at integration of Shopify (a lot of existing online stores are based on it) and our system which allows to support multichannel communication with customers stimulating the growth in sales and creating the loyalty of target audience.
How to automate the contacts database collecting from Shopify via Zapier?
To do it is easier than it may seem. If you have accounts in our CDP and Shopify, feel free to register in Zapier app and configure automatic execution of a number of routine tasks.
Before to start creating your first integration you should read Zapier manual on our website.
You can connect two apps together by yourself, just click "Create Zap" button at the top of main page to start:
Then, choose from the list of integrated apps.
This list of options (far from complete) already includes two useful templates to set the automated data transfer between Shopify and our systems:
- adding of new customers from Shopify to the contact database of account in our platform;
- sending emails to a client via our API when receiving order payment.
For example, let’s look at the first one: when a new user appears in Shopify, his email address will be added to contact database of your account in our CDP.
This way, no single client is overlooked: new contacts can be configured to receive trigger messages, to be added to subscribers group receiving newsletters and promo mailings. This is a good way to make customer a regular client.
For Zapier premium accounts the database is updated every 5 minutes, and every 15 minutes for free accounts. On "Task History" page you can monitor the time of tasks execution and the number of transferred emails during contact list import:
This is how it looks like:
All the usermade integrations are in "Zaps" section:
Our zap will be here too:
To run automatic execution of planned tasks you have to enable integration:
You can edit integration zapier if you need:
So, let’s sum up:
- Using the integrations created via Zapier you save your time getting free of routine tasks;
- A simple zap allows you to get timely information about all the new customers from Shopify and expand your contact database for emailings, sms and push-notifications;
- This app has English interface only but it is easy to understand even if you are not a linguist - a wish is enough. Moreover, all the templates to connect our CDP together with various apps via Zapier are available to use without leaving the system, you can find them all on our website:
Have a good integration!