Yespo System Update for September 2023

In September, our specialists made changes to the system to make your work more convenient. In this article, we have gathered important updates, most of which relate to AI, widgets, and Public API. You can review the August updates via the link.

AI in the email editor

The buzz around text improvements using artificial intelligence is ongoing, and we have some good news for you!

From now on, you can enhance your email texts directly in our email editor. This will allow you to professionally work on texts and formulate messages more precisely, quickly reaching your customers' hearts.

Our AI will assist you with:

To learn about all the possibilities of artificial intelligence in Yespo and get step-by-step instructions on its use, read the full article via the link.


Displaying the widget to new users

In the widget display conditions, you can now choose to show it to "New visitors", meaning users who haven't visited the site since our script installation.

This may include visitors who used the incognito mode during previous visits or cleared the cache, cookies, and local data.

Displaying the device in contact activity

The contact activity for widgets now includes information about the device, browser, and the ability to copy cookies to the clipboard.

This will allow you to view information about a contact if their activity took place on different devices.

More about widgets >

Create a perfect widget for your website!

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Update contact

Now, when using this resource to transfer contacts, if the updating contact is deleted, it will be restored.

Get contacts activity

This API resource allows you to get contact activity by campaigns. Now, you will also be able to receive such data:

This API resource is used to group campaigns within one workflow launch. This will simplify obtaining detailed information for exporting to BigQuery or other data warehouses.

Other updates


We added externalCustomerId to the http webhook parameters.

This feature allows you to receive real-time information about all contact activities without information requests on your side. The data will regularly come to the specified URL via POST requests, as described in the instructions.


In the Orders section, the income by organization is now displayed. The output is affected by the period, search, and filter by statuses. The income is displayed in the currency specified in the settings.

More about the revenue from campaigns >

Workflow run filtering by period

We added the ability to filter workflow launches by time. The following options are available:

More about the workflow history >

If you would like to know more about the system or its specific features, write to or sign up for a demo. If your account does not have any of the functionality described above, feel free to get in touch with our support team at

Stay updated with our new features, many exciting things are coming up!

🔒 GDPR, CCPA, CASL Compliant. Your data is safe and secure with us.