Aviatsiya Halychyny Case Study: How to Double Sales From the Email Channel


Increase sales from the Email channel.


Implement Abandoned View and Abandoned Cart behavioral triggers in the Email channel.


  • x2 increase in sales from the Email channel;
  • payback in 2 months.


Integration: 1 month.


Yespo integration team; Aviatsiya Halychyny customer success manager and marketing manager.


45K, 53% of which are active.


Bilingual campaigns: UA, EN.

According to statistics, 70.19% of orders remain incomplete. The solution to this challenge for businesses has been trigger campaigns like "Abandoned View" and "Abandoned Cart," which help remind customers of their intentions and gently nudge them towards completing their purchases.

In this case study, we discuss how a Ukrainian brand implemented behavioral triggers and the results they achieved with CDP Yespo.

About the Project

Aviatsiya Halychyny is the Ukrainian clothing brand inspired by the new Ukrainian army. The company sells its products both online and through offline stores in Lviv, Odessa, and Kyiv.

Today, email marketing is one of the brand's key channels for interacting with customers. Previously, Aviatsiya Halychyny used a different service for their email campaigns. Yet, in April 2023, they switched to the Yespo CDP solution.


  1. Increase sales from the Email channel.
  2. Increase audience engagement by implementing triggered email campaigns.

“We’ve realized that this is one of the main email marketing tools we need to use actively. This is an additional step that we have grown to in terms of resources and finally integrated the solution”,

— Vira Kotuza, Digital Marketing Manager at Aviatsiya Halychyny.


After discussing the company’s context and goals with representatives from Aviatsiya Halychyny, we’ve proposed the following:

Integration With the Website and Physical Stores

At this stage, we needed to gather data from the website about users’ actions, such as which products they viewed and added to the cart but haven’t purchased in the end. To achieve this, we set up web tracking as follows:

  1. Installed a web tracking script to monitor user activities on the site. This allows us to personalize customer communication and automatically generate offers that are likely to match their needs. This article provides a detailed guide on how to install the script.

  1. Configured the export of data on the website to track visitors’ behavior. There are two ways to send events to the system:

You can find the instructions for setting up event transfer via JavaScript at this link.

  1. Uploaded a feed with product data. The product feed is the information about the store's products and their characteristics presented in a structured format. This article explains the requirements for a product feed.

Additionally, customer data in physical stores was collected and transferred to the Yespo CDP via API. These contacts were then segmented and used for the brand's promotional campaigns.

“The integration with the website and physical stores took one month to complete. We’ve faced a challenge because the website and stores have different outsource development partners. However, the process went smoothly, and everything is now working well. We’re very pleased with the results of this stage”,

— Vira Kotuza, Aviatsiya Halychyny Digital Marketing Manager.

Preparing Email Templates

To launch the Abandoned Cart and Abandoned View triggers for Aviatsiya Halychyny, we have prepared email templates with the following blocks:

Next, our team set up dynamic variables in these templates to personalize the messages. For this purpose, we’ve used product recommendation algorithms, which are the most commonly used when starting with triggers:

Pay attention

You have the flexibility to choose algorithms that recommend a broader range of products and set selection criteria based on factors like price, category, and sales activation. The success of trigger campaigns relies on continuous testing and analysis — only through real-world application can you identify what will work best for your business. We’ll assist you in selecting the most relevant trigger options and collaborate with you to test them, ensuring we pinpoint the most effective strategies for your specific case.

Setting Up Bilingual Campaigns

Currently, Aviatsiya Halychyny's sales share to foreign customers is 13%, so having two languages has become an essential opportunity for the brand. The company already had the PROFESSIONAL plan activated, which included multiple languages. So we only assisted to set them up correctly.

“Some of our clients registered using the English and Polish versions of the website. Since Ukrainians or their friends often order from abroad, we decided to focus on Ukrainian and English for campaigns”,  

— Vira Kotuza, Aviatsiya Halychyny Digital Marketing Manager.

To implement multilingual campaigns, we:

  1. Set up the Ukrainian language for the Abandoned Cart and Abandoned View templates as a default one in the editor and added the English language as an additional one.

After that, the system made a copy of the finished email, and all we had to do was translate its content into English. This article provides more details on how to set up multilingualism. 

  1. Added the Ukrainian language version to the company's account in the Yespo system as the main version for the feed. At this stage, specifying a separate language parameter for the feed is essential. In this article, we've covered in detail how multilingual email campaigns work.

After that, the English version of the feed was also uploaded to ensure that the products were displayed in accordance with the language versions. It is identical in content and structure to the main version and differs only in language.


The default language should be the same for both messages and feeds.

  1. Set up automation of product recommendations in emails.

Creating Workflows

The Yespo integration team has set up 2 workflows.

The logic is to send an email and wait one day. Then, check whether the order has been placed: if yes, the workflow ends; if no, we send a second email with a promo code. When the campaign was only started, there was no email with a promo code.

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As soon as Aviatsiya Halychyny realized that everything worked correctly and that this scenario started generating sales, they’ve decided to add a second email with a promo code, which increased the campaign's conversion rate.

  1. Abandoned View

The workflow for the abandoned view is more straightforward than the previous one. So, we send only one email with the products the customer has browsed.


Since the implementation of triggers, sales from the email channel have doubled (year-on-year), and the functionality paid off in 2 months.

The conversion from triggers looks like this:

If you're looking to boost sales with triggered workflows, fill out the form below. We’ll discuss your current business challenges and suggest the best solutions.

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