Yespo System Update for November-December 2023

In November and December, Yespo specialists implemented changes in the system to enhance your user experience. This article highlights the most significant updates, with a focus on improvements in segmentation and widgets.

You can find October updates here.

Updated Workflow Editor

This is probably the most significant update we've made in months. Our goal is to make the process of creating and managing workflows not only efficient but also enjoyable.

Therefore, the redesign and improved block structure are just the beginning. This is merely the first brick for future scaling and additional implementations. Many updates are scheduled for this year. 

For more details on the new workflow editor, click here.


Start Timer on the Moment of Display

When adding the timer component, you can specify the start of the countdown from the moment the widget is displayed on the site.

Horizontal Placement of Components

The radio button and checkbox components can be placed horizontally.

Using a Widget in Multiple Selectors

If you need to use the same static widget multiple times on your site, you can now add it to multiple selectors at once.

Find the settings under Parameters → Widget triggering → Placement.

More about customizing widgets >

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Other Updates

AI Text Generator for Smart Blocks

The email editor features a built-in Artificial Intelligence (AI) that can translate and enhance email body content, subject lines, or preheaders. Now you can use it in smart blocks similarly to other elements. The text must exceed 3 characters. Otherwise, the editor will show a message indicating the need for more text.

Learn more about using artificial intelligence in the editor >

Product Recommendations

Now it is possible to use a category field for showing recommendations by specifying categoryField when requesting recommendations via JS API.

Previously it was category by default.

Now you can specify the desired field, for example tags_all_category_names.

The example of a request:

eS('getRecommendations', {
    variantId: 'r1673v2111',
		categoryKey: 'BATHROOM',
  function(error, products) {
    if (error) {

Learn more about customizing product recommendations >

Updated Web Push Preview

Now you can check the real previews for Windows 10 x64 Chrome and Windows 11.

Highlighting Contacts by the Method of Adding to the System

Previously, most contacts were listed as ‘Added manually’ in the ‘Contact Growth Overview’ graph and the contact card. Now we have two new ways of adding contacts:

More about contact statistics >

Want to learn more about the Yespo Omnichannel CDP and our business efficiency solutions? Send an email to or book a demo. If you cannot find a certain functionality in your account, or if you have any questions about working in the system, please write to the support chat.

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