Iuliia Nesterenko

Technical Writer

How to Use Mobile Push Notifications for Better App Engagement

How to Use Mobile Push Notifications for Better App Engagement

With mobile technologies and mCommerce on the rise, the battle for user engagement has never been more competitive. In addition to seamless user experience, intuitive user interface, stunning app design, and seamless onboarding, there is one more practice you can implement to keep your users engaged with your app. With the help of mobile push notifications, you can make users get back to the application again and again, so in this article, we will overview the most effective mobile push messages and discover how to send them using our omnichannel Customer Data Platform (CDP).

What Are Mobile Push Notifications

A mobile push notification (mob push) is a short app message that appears on top of your smartphone screen. You can receive mob pushes only from companies whose apps you have installed. You also receive them regardless of whether you’re using the sender app or not: available internet connection is the only condition.

Mobile push example on Android

For Android users, mobile pushes are non-permission messages. You opt in to receive them automatically by installing an app. iOS users need to give their consent to receive pushes from you so you must ask them first with a permission request.

Permission request example

You can manage mobile pushes – allow or block messages from particular apps – in your smartphone settings. Go to Settings > Notifications and enable or disable the corresponding app.

App notification settings

Why You Need Mobile App Marketing

After everything becomes clear with the essence of mobile push notifications, let’s find out why your business needs mobile app marketing.

  • Mob push is an independent communication channel. Brands that don’t have a website and don’t send emails can build efficient communication through the app. Brands that use other channels like email or web push can use mobile notification within an omnichannel strategy.
  • Mobile pushes are easy to create and don’t require special tech skills (design, code, image editing). A good piece of copywriting is often the only thing you need to create a push.
  • Mobile phone push notifications can’t be missed by the recipient. People see them upon delivery anyway.
  • Mobile pushes don’t land to Spam and there is no such thing as spam for pushes.
  • They can be automated.
  • Pushes can be personalized.
  • Pushes can be created and sent based on user data and activity: app registration, order completion, location, preferred product category, etc.

Learn More About Mobile App Marketing

11 Mobile Push Notifications That Will Keep Your Customers Around

Sending mobile pushes means you already acquired prospects at least or customers at most. People have already expressed interest in your product by installing your app and agreeing to hear from you. So the prime focus of mobile push marketing is to build a reputation of a caring brand, turn registrants into paying customers and retain as many of them. Below are the most popular and effective types of in-app push notifications that you can send to your customers.

1. Welcome Message

Though saying hello to a new team member seems a natural behavior, many brands neglect welcome messages. Don’t be one of them. After registration with your app, send a short push saying something like Hi, Julia and welcome on board. Your first delivery with MyApp is on us!

You may also offer to complete registration, fill in a user profile, choose preferred categories or give a link to guidelines on how to get started with your product.

2. Abandoned Cart or Browse Reminder

There are a lot of ways to get the customer back to their abandoned cart or view, and sending mobile push notifications is just one of them. Consider adding a special discount for abandoned items or offering them with free shipping to encourage the customers to complete their purchase faster until the offer is valid.

3. Promotion Notification

If you are planning to run a storewide promo or within a certain promo category, sending a mobile push message will be an effective way to attract your customers’ attention. Don’t forget to specify the amount of the discount or other important conditions for the promotion.

4. Product Updates

With the help of mobile push notifications of this type, you can keep your customers updated on the changes in your product range or features. Invite them to discover the latest improvements and welcome to try them in action.

5. Personalized Recommendations

Mobile push notifications can also be one of the channels to personalize the shopping experience your customers receive. Based on their previous behavior, like purchase history, create personalized product recommendations and share relevant offers via mobile push.

6. News

Usually, the companies use email to share important news and updates. But given that eСommerce is now becoming mobile-first, sending a mobile push to inform your customers about important events is also a good idea.

7. Flash Sale Alert

Mobile push notifications are also great for creating a sense of urgency. Consider sending them and announce a flash sale in your store. The text of the message may sound like this: “Hurry! Our 24-hour flash sale starts now. Don't miss out on amazing deals!"

8. Location-Based Messages

If your business has a physical store, you can send location-based mobile push notifications to the users in close proximity to your venue.

9. Order Status Updates

With the help of custom shipping notifications, you can also keep your customers updated on their order and delivery status. In this case, it would be wise to combine push notifications with in-app messages. Such important information as the order tracking number is better to send with the help of in-app so that the users can get back to them anytime. Transactional messages, like order confirmation, can be delivered via mobile push.

10. Reactivation Messages

If some of your customers haven’t used your app for some time, sending a mobile push notification with a special offer can help you win them back. Add a touch of personalization to ensure your push message reaches the goal.

11. Referral Notifications

If you have a referral program, you can remind your customers of it with the help of mobile push as well. Create a short message with its brief conditions, including details about any finder’s fees, and add a call-to-action to refer a friend.

Start sending engaging mobile pushes to your users!

How to Create Effective Mobile Push Notifications

Below are some of the best practices for creating mobile push notifications with high open and conversion rates.

Keep Them Short

A push consists of two parts – title and copy, and the characters limit for each part is different depending on the mobile operating system. For Android, the title limit is 56 characters; the copy can contain up to 240 symbols. For iOS, you can use 178 characters before the text is cut off.

I would recommend sticking to the copy of about 40-50 characters as one message may be displayed differently depending on the device.

Also convey the main idea of the push in the first sentence. It’s displayed on all devices, while to read the rest of the text, the users need to unroll the push.

Even if I hadn’t unrolled this push by FatSecrets for further details, I would have seen the main message conveyed in the first line (keep your dinner up to 500 calories).

Mobile push notification

Add Emoji

If there is an emoji associated with your current push, add it. They should complement the message and resonate with what you’re saying. Placing smiles and gift boxes to every message won’t give them more weight.

On the other hand, a turkey or pumpkin looks up to place in Thanksgiving pushes, an alarm clock would complement a price drop alert, and a popcorn box fits a cinema ticket confirmation.

Push notification

Add Images

Images are easier to digest than text, plus they’re more capable of catching attention. If your app supports image display, consider adding a banner or picture to support the text part.

The 20% discount by Raynair looks more dynamic on the image than with plain text only.

Push notifications with images

In our CDP you can add an image to the push by inserting JSON code with the link to Custom data:


where image_url is your link to the image.

Image settings

Since push display differs depending on the device, send test messages to make sure the push is shown as intended.


If you send not just reminders but intend to encourage a certain action, consider adding a CTA.

Push with CTAs

The procedure is the same as with images. Add their JSON code to Custom data:


"es_actions": [{"id": 1, "caption": "Rate us", "link": "https://blissapp.com/11"},

{"id": 2, "caption": "Later", "link": "https://blissapp.com/12"}]


where id is the number of CTA you want to add and caption should be followed by your own CTA text. There may be 3 or 4 CTA, but I’d recommend sticking to 2. This way you’ll be sure they will be displayed on any screen in full without being cut or hidden.

Add Deep Links

A tap on the push opens the corresponding app by default. But you can direct a user to the particular section of the app (sales, account upgrade, product category) with a deep link.

A deep link (universal link for Apple devices) is a link that leads users to a specific section within your app instead of the home page. This improves app navigation and shopping experience as the user doesn’t have to browse across categories looking for the right order.

For example, you tap this push, and the deep link sends you straight to this tomato soup recipe instead of just all soup recipes or dinner recipes (Image source). You quickly find the content you’re obviously interested in and keep on interaction with the app.

Deep links

Send Multilingual Messages

If you have an international audience, send them pushes in their own language. Sending in native language is a good mobile app marketing strategy: it not only shows your respect for user preferences but also gives your offers more chances to be considered.

In our platform, you can create multilingual copies within one template. Specify the default language, add necessary languages and fill each copy with the right content. To edit any, just switch between them in one click.

Multilingual push

Create your first mobile push message in Yespo!

How to Set Up and Send Mobile Push Notifications in Yespo

If you run regular and consistent mobile app marketing, you might be sending quite enough pushes of different types. To save your time and avoid manual routine, build automated workflows that will launch push campaigns based on the conditions you set once.

What messages to automate:

  • Welcome pushes to new users;
  • Promos, time-limited sales;
  • Information on updates;
  • Personal recommendations;
  • Order confirmation;
  • Reminders;
  • Abandoned orders;
  • Reactivation pushes.

In Yespo omnichannel CDP  you can automate all these types of mobile push notifications, tailoring each of them to your users' behavior and setting up custom conditions for sending a push. Here is how to do it in our system.

Last post

Segment Your Audience

Seeing the same notifications every day, people will soon want to disable them or even delete the sending app. To avoid this, use advanced segmentation to split your base into segments on different parameters:

  • Orders (average check, product category, last purchase date);
  • Behavior on the site and in the app (date of last activity, view, transition);
  • Operating system (you'll know exactly how the push will be displayed);
  • App language;
  • Location;
  • Campaign activity;
  • Registration date, etc.

This way you’ll be able to send each segment the most relevant offers. For example, offer users with the average check over $500 join your loyalty program, send French users pushes in French and drive back users who used the app three months ago with a reactivation message.

In our system, for better segmentation, you can select subscription categories. Pushes with specified categories will be sent to people who chose them as a topic of interest.

Subscription categories

Personalize Your Offers Accordingly 

Use Velocity dynamic content to make your pushes even more personal. This technique is especially applicable for order confirmations or abandoned carts. You specify the necessary parameters in the push and at the moment of sending they’ll be substituted with the data personalized for each recipient.


Set Up Activity Time

Different campaign goals may require different push activity time also known as TTL (time to live). An abandoned cart push is relevant for no longer than several hours after the product was added to the cart. While a promo push can be sent till the sale period expires.

If you plan to send a series of messages within one workflow, plan the sending sequence ahead. Decide whether you want pushes to follow each other or be sent on different days and set TTL correspondingly.

Time to live

For example, you run a four-day sale (Thursday to Friday) on your site. To promote the offer you send 2 mobile pushes. The TTL for the first one will be 3 days and for the second – 12 hours. The workflow may look as follows:


Users will receive pushes in the required order and within the sales duration. And if for any reason people won’t be available for mob pushes during these 4 days, thanks to the specified TTL, they won’t receive promos on sales after it actually expires.

Set Up Annoyance Level

When you send different campaigns to different segments, one contact can be included in several segments at once. Not to be intrusive and bother users with too many messages, you set up the annoyance level.

In our system, you can specify weekly and daily limits and assign each push with its own level. For example, if the weekly limit is 15 and a particular push’s level is 5, one recipient won’t receive more than three of such pushes in a week.

Team Up Channels

One of mobile app marketing techniques is to use several channels to deliver the offer. People who ignore emails or simply don’t see them in Promotions can respond to mob pushes instead.

This is a simple two-channel (email+mob push) workflow in the editor. Its purpose is to encourage people to use the promo code they won 1 week ago and didn’t use. First, it sends an email reminder. If it’s ignored, a mob push with the same message will be sent in a day.

Workflow with email and mobile push

Depending on the available channels and the campaign type, you can build more complex workflows with more channels and conditions.

Complex workflow

To Sum Up

Mobile push notifications have proven themselves to be an effective tool for keeping your users engaged with your app. There are a lot of messages you can send in this way - from welcoming a new user to reactivating those who abandoned your application for some time.

However, to make the most of your mobile marketing strategy, consider using mobile push in a smart combination with other communication channels. Yespo omnichannel CDP allows you to build fully automated and behavior-driven marketing campaigns that cover email newsletters, web and mobile pushes, in-app messages, SMS, and Viber. By aligning your mobile push efforts with other marketing channels, you can amplify the impact of your campaigns, reinforce your brand's messaging, and cultivate a deeper level of engagement. You are welcome to discover the marketing possibilities of our platform during a short demo call with our experts!

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Iuliia Nesterenko

Technical Writer

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