16 July 2019
12 min

45 Psychological Triggers to Make People Buy
If logic and common sense tell you the more options customers have to choose from, the happier they are, don’t believe them. Surprisingly, exactly the opposite holds true when it comes to buying motives. The abundance of options slows down the decision-making process. Moreover, having made a purchase, people feel unsatisfied and depressed, if they are not sure about the choice made.
This does not happen when the choice is limited.
This fact was proved by Columbia University who conducted research aimed to figure out how to get people to buy your product, and analyze customer buying motives. During the research, they offered store visitors to choose between 24 or 6 kinds of jam. In the first case, the purchase conversion was 3%, and in the second it was 10 times bigger (30%).
In his books, a Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics at Duke University Dan Ariely exemplifies people’s irrational behavior via numerous interesting experiments describing the triggers that motivate customers to buy. Most often, such triggers are subjective factors rather than properties or qualities of the product. They may include social norms, economic expectations, risks, and more. Below, there are 45 examples of what can push people into buying almost any products, and how marketers use these triggers in ad campaigns.
45 Reasons Why
To part with the money of their own free will, people should see the value of their financial investment. Understanding what drives your customers’ motivation to buy a product will help optimize all business processes, from email campaigns to physical store design, and increase your sales revenue.
You may be right calling some of the below examples too obvious. The question is do you employ these obvious triggers in your marketing strategy? If not, it’s high time you started doing so to diminish the last doubt in that your product is worth buying.
1. Love
People buy presents to appreciate the importance of other person and demonstrate them love or respect. Give your customers a good reason to make a gift for their loved ones, and it will double your sales.
2. Attractiveness
In our competitive world, beauty is a basic need for both men and women. We all want to look good, and, what’s more important, want other people to think that we look good. Cosmetic products, plastic surgery, brand-new clothes, stylish haircuts, and gym - the beauty industry market is valued at billions.
3. Individuality
First class flights, membership in a VIP club, limited edition gadgets - such luxuries help stand out and accent your personality. Individuality is sold at a high price.
4. Sexuality
It's one of the strongest motivators. Brands like Victoria's Secret, which focus on sex appeal, never lack customers.
5. Health
Organic products, gym tickets, pills, medical services, insurance: though not everyone wants to live forever, almost everyone wants to live the years they have in a healthy and functional body.
6. Time Efficiency
Alongside money saving, time saving is another factor important while both spending money and making vital life decisions. Functional household appliances, meal delivery, more expensive direct tickets - these are all evidence of that people are ready to go to the expenses to save extra precious hours.
7. Comfort
Heated seats, orthopedic sofas, and home textiles will always have their fan base. If your products help people live more comfortably, don’t forget to mention it in your email campaigns.
8. Curiosity
Some goods are bought out of curiosity. A book with an intriguing title, an exotic spa procedure, or juice with a new taste may not be the most practical purchases, but they satisfy your thirst for adventure.
9. Basic Needs
Hunger or thirst can make you spend money on the things you would otherwise never consider even looking at. For example, beverages and meals at the airport may be of poor quality and of high price, but as they say, you’re not you when you’re hungry.
10. New Experience
In fact, gaining experience is a good way to spend money. Traveling, concert events, and educational programs are good investments that will definitely pay off.
11. Survival
Everything about survival makes you buy without hesitation. An extra protective layer for your camping tent, advanced airbag, water purifiers for travel - knowing you invest in your health and safety makes you open your wallet wider.
12. Sweet Memories
A holiday with friends, souvenirs, and memorable photo albums are worth our money because they remind of well-spent time and dear people.
12. For Story
Sometimes we spend money on something just for the sake of hype. A registration fee for the marathon is a good example. Few people would pay to just run, but a medal of a marathon finisher is a totally different thing.
14. Status
Some purchases can level up your status in the eyes of others and therefore boost your own self-esteem.
15. Novelty
A new software, a new premium package of a familiar service, or a new model of your favorite gadget - for many these are a good reason to part with money.
16. Ambassadors
Celebrities participate in advertising campaigns for a good reason. Calls pronounced by a popular person gain more weight and look more trustworthy.
17. Significant Discount
It's all about a comparative cost. The size of the discount is often the main motive for the purchase, even if it wasn’t previously on a shopping list.
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18. Limited Offer
A sense of urgency can push to make a purchase right here and right now.
19. Special Events
Parties and different celebrations require special accessories: flowers for the wedding, pumpkins for Halloween, balls for the prom.
20. Escape from Reality
Sometimes we spend money in order to dive into the imaginary world, for example, buying movie tickets or booking a weekend at the luxury spa center.
21. Possession Protection
Safes, locked jewel boxes, seat covers, smartphone security apps, alarm systems are only a couple of examples of a much bigger range of goods taking your money in exchange for guaranteed security.
22. Nostalgia
"Taste of the childhood," “Just like your granny cooked,” “Good old days are back” - such calls make you remind of nice past experience and transcend it on the offered product.
23. Emotions
A bouquet of flowers, waterpark tickets or concert tickets don’t require big expenditure, yet give the whole bunch of positive emotion. Why not put a smile on your friend’s face when it’s so easy to do?
24. Niche Identity
Cultural, religious or social connection with the product can be sold as well. Buddhist yoga mats, Independence Day t-shirts, original Chinese chopsticks make their owners believe they belong to some special group.
25. Accompanying Charity
You've probably seen this kind of calls: "10% of the cost is transferred to animal shelters." Who doesn’t want to help a cute pup, especially when making it is so easy?
26. Rest
Expenditure on rest isn’t limited to flight tickets or fashionable resorts. Books, puzzles, board games, knitting kits - everyone has a different idea of what makes a good rest.
27. Exclusivity
Being one of the few owners of the exquisite luxury product gives you a ticket to a closed VIP club.
28. Pain Relief
Dentists, massage therapists and manufacturers of painkillers can prove that people don’t count money when it comes to stopping sharp pain.
29. Fight with Pressure
Today, people face stress everywhere - at work, on the streets, walking at the beach and comparing themselves to others, etc. To break this destructive circle, many willingly part with money ordering sedative pills, massage services, or a weekend at the spa resort.
30. Environment Protection
Eco-foods, processed packages, non-phosphate powder, and silicone-free cosmetics are now the big thing. People are ready to overpay for the very idea that they are making a difference.
31. Children
The children's product market is worth more than 100 billion dollars at the least estimate. Few can say a firm no to a child begging for a new doll or coloring book.
32. Awareness
In a world where information is the main asset, subscription to newspapers, magazines or newsletters with actual news is a good revenue generator.
33. Refund
The option of a refund is a great fear reliever. The increase in sales will balance the requests for refunds, especially if you offer good quality goods.
34. Hobby
If you’re a big fan of cooking, sooner or later you’d buy that brand-new oven, even if it’s cost equals your monthly salary. Hobbies and passions are the spice of our lives, and most people don’t scrimp on them.
35. The Cheapest Offer
The lowest price on the market will make many consider a product, regardless of its characteristics.
36. Fight with Routine
The pursuit of the so-called Magic Button is one of the consumer buying motives, so don’t keep silent if your product can make things easier for somebody. A cleaning service or planner app, let people know they can improve their daily routine with the help of your offer.
37. Fun
Having fun doesn’t require any effort on your part. A general concept, fun is easy to sell to almost any category of customers, regardless of their gender, age, nationality or cultural background.
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38. Business Development
A new office rent, dinner for partners, or conference attendance are all good investment into the growth of your enterprise.
39. Independence
Buy a car and put an end to constant issues with public transport. Buy a house and forget about annoying roommates. Buy a gym premium package and set your own hours for training: such mottos fuel your thirst for a more independent life.
40. Economy
Sometimes we spend money to save money. Cheap maintenance and low fuel consumption make a good reason to consider buying a car that possesses such advantages. Describing great technical characteristics of the purchase isn’t the only key to get people to buy from you, describing how economical it may be is equally important.
41. Career and Education
Certificate providers, coaches, conference organizers, and language classes sell their service (usually with an online course platform) by convincing you their offers are a good investment in your education, career and professional growth.
42. Goal Achievement
Show your customers how your product will help achieve their goals - lose weight by summer, pass an English exam, enter a university - and they will be likely to buy it.
43. Belonging to a Group
Teenagers are the most vulnerable category when it comes to gaining social approval and recognition. In order to be on the team, 14-16 years old are ready to buy the most non-practical and ridiculous things if some popular celebrity has called them a must-have.
44. Happiness
Those people who say that money can’t buy you happiness either lie or don’t know where to shop. A new car, expensive clothes, or even a chocolate bar probably won’t make you the happiest person in the world, but will definitely grand a couple of sweet moments.
45. Uniqueness
It’s not a secret that collectibles are really expensive, and collecting is a hobby for the rich and wealthy,
Magic Buttons and One Magic Wand
It’s generally agreed that a good marketer should know dozens of techniques to pick up a key that opens every customer’s wallet. In fact, all you need to do is to convince your customers that your product purchase will benefit them in many ways. Highlight advantages rather than just the technical characteristics of your offers and people will be more likely to dig in their pockets.