Yespo System Update for June 2024

We've gathered the key updates for June to help you improve user communication and expand the reach of your marketing campaigns.

+1 Channel — Telegram

A Telegram bot is often seen as a virtual assistant for routine request processing, but it can do much more. With Yespo integration, you can now turn your Telegram bot into an effective marketing channel.

Strengthen your omnichannel communication with Telegram bots:

Why use this channel?

More about setup >

Simplifying Workflow Testing

We've added the new "One from Many" block, which allows you to diversify communication and automatically determine the most effective message version without complicating workflows with branch divisions for A/B testing.

Now, to determine the best version of a message, simply add one block to the workflow and specify the message tags. Initially, the system randomly selects a version to send. As data is collected, the system prioritizes messages with higher click-through rates (CTR). It also considers the preliminary effectiveness of messages and the most recent messages received by the contact.

To quickly view or edit messages used in the block, click the preview icon in the field displaying message options filtered by tags.

More about the block's capabilities and settings >

Request Forms

A new widget type, the "Request Form," allows you to collect additional user information directly on your site and automatically transfer it to eSputnik, such as birthdays, preferences, and needs.

Customize different widget types for different audiences. For example:

Learn more about creating a widget with queries >

Products Block

Previously, displaying recommended products required coding. Now, this can be easily done using the "Products" block in the editor.

Block Settings:

Specify the number of lines for product names (default is three). Excess characters will be cut off, ensuring uniform card height regardless of text length.

No need to send test messages to preview recommendations, as they are immediately available during all stages of message creation:

Other Updates

Segment Preview

View the segments specified in the parameters of the Add to segment, Remove from segment, Sprayer, and Messages to segment blocks directly in their settings.

Widget Settings

Increased the number of columns in widgets to six, providing more flexibility for visual customization.

All column components (except size) are synchronized by default, reducing the need for additional settings.

More about widgets >


Filtering by indicators

Added filters to the Event types section:

Events to stop workflows

Expanded analytics to include statistics on events that stop workflows.

Exporting events to BigQuery and PostgreSQL

Implemented the ability to export events with parameters to BigQuery and PostgreSQL.

More about events >

Want to learn more about the CDP Yespo and our solutions for business efficiency? Send an email to or book a demo.

If you can't find certain updates in your account or have questions about using the system, please write to the chat with our support.

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