Natalie Ustymenko

Head of Direct Marketing

Updates of October 2020

Our platform's updates, October 2020

Read the overview of new functionality and important updates in our ESP.

You can find our September news here.

Account Update

Extra campaigns

Now you can engage contacts based on their response to your campaign. At the moment of launch, the system will build a segment with contacts who performed the specified action and send them the extra message you have scheduled.

How it works: go to Reports → hover the cursor over the campaign report and click on the Extra campaigns button → select the segment and the message you want to send → start the campaign.

Extra campaigns

The functionality is available for all channels and for all types of messages (both bulk and trigger). You can plan extra campaigns for such segments:

Extra campaign

Extra campaigns are available if segmentation by contact activity is enabled in your account (any Extra features tariff is enabled).

Read instructions


Workflows Updates

Restrictions in the Sprayer block

Sprayer won’t trigger the event if the segment includes more than 1000 contacts.

Sprayer block

More about Sprayer block

ContactId field for the Update contact block

Now you can update a contact not only by email, but also by its ID in the system. To do this, you need to specify the variable name that contains a contact ID. By default, in the system it’s named ${ContactId}.

Contact update through ContactId

More about the Update contact task

New in the Start by date block

Added features:

  • selection of the start time (from the event or manually);
  • launch by date (from the event parameter or directly in the block).

Start by date block

More about the block

Workflow launch update

If an event was transmitted and assigned to a workflow, but it didn't start, you'll see a warning in the event history.

For example, there may be the following errors of the workflow start:

  • Param ‘PhoneNumber’ is required.
  • Param ‘EmailAddress’:‘key’ is not valid EmailAddress.
  • Param ‘email’ is required.
  • Param ‘PushMessageId’ is required.

Start error


We have updated the interface for the workflow list and Start history. Also, the Trigger configuration has been moved to the slidebar.

Workflow updated view

Start history warnings

An error and its description are displayed in the Start history if the block did not work.

Start history

You can see the Start history of a specific workflow by clicking on Statistics → completed.


Last post

Launch conditions displaying

For regular workflows, Launch conditions are displaying in the general list:

  • schedule (week/month/your period);

  • segments to send.

Launch conditions


Functionality Updates

Search contacts method

Using the Search contacts method, you can get information about whether a contact has mobile or web push tokens.

Get contacts activity method

Now the Get contacts activity method transmits web and mobile push notifications activity. Due to the nature of mobile push notifications, their statuses will differ.

  • For all channels, except mobile push notifications, the DELIVERED, READ, CLICKED statuses are available. Several special statuses are available for emails (mark as spam, unsubscribe, etc).
  • For mobile push notifications SENT, DELIVERED, READ statuses are available, and the application can indirectly activate the CLICKED status.

Activity by channels

Access to events and contacts (adding/updating) for API keys

We add a new access level for API keys — managing events and contacts (write only). The user will only be able to change contacts.

API keys

More about API keys

Email subject recommendations

We've added a display of the characters number in the email subject line by hovering over the icon. Depending on the subject text, you will see warnings and recommendations for improving it.

Subject line hints

Product recommendations for website visitors

The appearance editor now supports methods for working with arithmetic operations, formatting numbers, operations with dates:

  • $!mathTool.
  • $!numberTool.
  • $!dateTool.

These features can be used, for example, to specify discounts in product recommendations.

For a detailed description, see the article.

Use recommendations in emails and on the website

Contact activity tab

We have added the Contact Activity tab to the contact's profile. Information is available on all pages with a contact preview:

  • Contacts;
  • Reports;
  • Event types;
  • Settings.
  • Contact activity

The following tabs are available in the contact's activity now:

  • All activity – campaigns and events are displayed as a list;
  • Campaigns – only sent messages with channel indication and triggered or bulk mark;
  • Events – contains only events used for segmentation.

Contact activity history

By clicking on the name:

  • of the event — you'll open event parameters,
  • of the workflow — you'll open the launched workflow,
  • of the message — you'll open the email sent to the user.


Message analytics are now available for all media channels. You can find it in the Messages Analytics section.
Activity analytics


Updates of reports

Sent column

We have added the Sent column in the campaign general list for all media channels:

Sent column

Column display management

Now in the list of reports you can choose which columns to show/hide. You can also choose how many lines to show on the page. The general report view is configured using the Display list.

Setting up the display of reports

The specified parameters are also applied when you export or copy the report.

Clicks in SMS

We have added a column with clicks in SMS reports. You can switch up the display of clicks in the report through the Display list.

Track clicks in SMS

Substitution of Velocity data in the report

For single SMS and Viber reports, the real text of the message is transmitted instead of the Velocity variables, as it was before.

Displaying data from Velocity

Copying the number of contacts in the report

In the campaign report, you can click on any number to copy it to the clipboard. You can still view contacts by clicking on the indicator name (Sent, Delivered, Clicked, etc.).

Copy data on click

To order a demo of the system or individual features, write to us or click here.

If something isn’t available for your account, please contact our support.

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Natalie Ustymenko

Head of Direct Marketing

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