Hlib Kliuiko

Technical Writer

How to Unsubscribe from Push Notifications?

How to Unsubscribe from Push Notifications

We often hear that push notifications are evil, that they are too intrusive. Subscriptions are often impulsive because permission prompt copies can be misleading. The line between wanting to receive current offers from companies and the annoyance of pop-up notifications is becoming thinner.

Therefore, we'll go over different ways to turn off these notifications in this article.

Full Subscription Cleanup

All your subscriptions can be canceled in such cases:

  1. Browser updates installing.
  2. Browser reinstalling.
  3. In rare instances, after operating system reinstalling.

browser updates installing

How to Unsubscribe from Desktop Web Push Notifications

Let’s consider the settings of the most popular desktop browsers:

  • Google Chrome;
  • Mozilla Firefox;
  • Safari;
  • Opera.

The interface of each of them looks almost the same in every operating system. This makes it easier for users to navigate the settings.

How to disable notifications in Google Chrome on Windows?

Method #1. Unsubscribe via Chrome settings

Click on the menu icon:

Click on the menu icon

Select the Settings option:

Select the Settings option

Find Site Settings under Privacy and Security:

Find Site Settings

Select Notifications:

Select Notifications

You’ll see a full list of your notification subscriptions. To unsubscribe, open the menu opposite a particular site and select Remove. The advantage of this method is that you can filter the list and leave only the sites you’re interested in.

complete list of your notification subscriptions

Method #2. Unsubscribe using Notification Center

Go to Notification Center. On Windows 10, you can see the number of new notifications in the bottom right corner.

Notification Center

Click on it. Then click on the gear icon opposite the notification to open its settings.

Here you can

  • turn off notifications for Google Chrome,
  • go to notification options,
  • or open Chrome notification settings.

Chrome notification settings

Last post

How to disable Chrome push notifications on macOS

If the browser is closed, you will see a notification with

  • browser icon,
  • site logo,
  • notification header,
  • message text.

On the right, you’ll see two buttons: Close and Settings.

Chrome push notifications on macOS

The notification will disappear by itself after a certain time. You can also close it forcibly by clicking on the Close button. Read more about web pushes in our guide.

To turn off notifications, click on the Settings button.

To turn off notifications, click on the Settings button

To unsubscribe from the sender, select Remove in the menu opposite the site name.

How to remove push subscriptions in Chrome on Ubuntu

Unsubscribing in Google Chrome on Ubuntu is not different from Windows or macOS, so let's look at additional methods.

Click on the lock icon in the URL bar, then select Cookie in the pop-up settings window.

Cookie in the pop-up settings window.

Select the website you want to unsubscribe from > click Remove > click Done after completion.

Select the website you want to unsubscribe from

You can delete all subscriptions by clearing all cookies.

How to disable notifications in Mozilla Firefox

In Mozilla Firefox, push messages appear at the bottom right:

notifications in Mozilla

To open the notification settings, click on the gear icon. Three options will be available:

  • turn off notifications for the current session until Firefox restarts;
  • disable notifications from this website;
  • go to notification options.

Three options

Find Notifications in the settings window and go to its settings.

Notifications in the settings window

  1. You can select Block instead of Allow in the drop-down list opposite the site name.
  2. You can remove a website from the list.
  3. You can remove subscriptions to all websites at once.
  4. You can block all new requests for sending notifications.

Notifications in the settings window

How to disable push notifications in Safari

Open the browser menu. Select Websites in the top panel, then click on Notifications at the left bar. Disable permission to display notifications from unnecessary websites.

push notifications in Safari

Send Push Notifications That Everyone Wants to Receive

How to disable push notifications in Opera

Go to your browser settings.

push notifications in Opera

The procedure is similar to unsubscribing in Chrome: Expand Advanced section > select Site Settings > select Notifications > click Delete.


How to Stop Notifications on Mobile

There are two types of push notifications on your phone:

We’ll show how to remove both of them.

How to Manage Web Push Subscriptions on Android

Android is a Google product, so Chrome is the most popular browser among devices with this OS. To disable push notifications in Chrome on Android:

  • Click on the menu icon near the search bar,
  • Find Settings in the menu.

Find Settings in the menu

Select Site settings:

Site settings

Then go to Notifications:

Then go to Notifications:

Here you can see how many sites are allowed to send notifications, and how many are blocked:

how many sites are allowed to send notifications, and how many are blocked

Also, you can opt for quieter permission on this page.

Select the unwanted subscription and go to notification settings for this website.

Select the unwanted subscription and go to notification settings

1) The first way to stop receiving browser notifications is to block them. Click on Notifications and switch off the Show Notification switcher:

Show Notification switcher

2) By tapping the Clear & reset button, you can completely remove all data from this website and clear the history of your interaction with it. Before performing this action, a warning appears:


You can also manage your Chrome app notifications via Chrome settings.

  • Click on the menu icon near the search bar,
  • Find Settings in the menu.

Then select the Notifications item.

select the Notifications item

Under Sites, you’ll see a list of sites that allowed/not allowed to send notifications.

list of sites that allowed/not allowed to send notifications

To enable or disable notifications from the site, use a switcher.

How to Manage Mobile Notifications on Android

To disable mobile push notifications, go to the settings of your mobile device and find the Notifications item. You’ll see a full list of applications there. Using the switcher, you can select important apps to receive notifications only from them. The interface may vary depending on the device model and OS version.

How to Manage Mobile Notifications on Android

Here's another way. When push appears, open the notification center of your phone by swiping down from the status bar.

open the notification center of your phone

Tap and hold the notification. You’ll see settings, where you can set the configuration for this particular application. Make the first switcher inactive to stop displaying all notifications.

Make the first switcher inactive

How to Disable Web Push Notifications on iPhone

There aren't too many browser notifications on the iPhone, as Safari blocks most of them.

How to Turn Off Mobile Push Notifications on iPhone

As on Android, you can see all app notifications in Notification Center.

Notification Center

1) Hold the notification and tap on the menu at the top right to see its options.

Tap the menu to see notification options

2) Go to settings and turn off notifications:

Go to settings and turn off notifications:

We tried to answer as fully on how to disable push notifications in different browsers, on different devices. If you know other interesting ways or you still have questions, please write a comment.

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Hlib Kliuiko

Technical Writer

Comments 1

Brad Smith 2 years ago

Thanks for sharing this blog. It helps me a lot to unsubscribe the push notifications