Supriya Tiwary

In-house writer at AppMySite

No-Code App Development

How No-Code App Development and Omnichannel CDPs can help drive business growth

Data has been called the “new oil”, “the king”, and even “God” by several commentators and experts around the world. All those who are not living under the rock are aware of the power of data and analytics in today’s day and age. Businesses, organizations, and governments are treating data with utmost importance.

Yet another powerful tool that is defining and shaping world commerce is mobile apps. Any business, no matter how big or small, is almost incomplete without a data monitoring and mobile commerce system in place and needs the two to maximize its potential.

This is where no-code app development tools and omnichannel Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) come into play. While code-free app builders are simplifying app development and making it easier for businesses to go from idea to app, CDPs are helping them in scaling up their data game.

While starting a website is a significant milestone, launching an app and keeping track of the data stream coming in through all the channels is important. It helps businesses stay headed in the right direction and move forward with a data-backed strategy and plan.

What are No-Code App Development Platforms

No-Code App Development

Custom app development was the only go-to app development method for ages. Businesses either hired programmers and app developers or outsourced the task to a development company. This is still a prevalent practice and despite advanced technology stacks in place, it takes months to build an app. This method also ends up increasing the bills as it is logistically more complicated.

The time, budget, and resource constraints of custom app development were somewhat mitigated by low-code app builders that are helping developers streamline and fast-track development projects. However, low-code platforms still require a decent amount of coding knowledge and first-hand experience in mobile app development.

Code-free app builders eliminate such bottlenecks and take the experience several notches up. Such app building tools have truly changed the face of app development and made it possible for everyone to create an app. No code app development platforms like AppMySite enable users and citizen developers to create premium and feature-rich Android and iOS apps without writing a single line of code. Everything from design to development can be managed under one roof and it ideally takes less than a day to build an app.

What are Omnichannel Customer Data Platforms (CDPs)?

Today, every business has an omnichannel approach as they are compelled to be available on several platforms in some form or the other. This includes websites, mobile apps, social media channels, and more. It is important for them to have a 360-degree branding approach and omnichannel presence.

However, it is also important for businesses to keep the platforms streamlined and manage the data streams and influx under one unified roof. This is where omnichannel CDPs (Customer Data Platforms) come into play. CDPs can help you collect, align, monitor, analyze, and process volumes of data coming from various channels.

Customer Data Platforms act as a collection of software that creates a unified database of customers or other entities and makes it accessible to other systems. CDPs pull and extract data from multiple channels, combine and organize it and then make it available to marketing or branding systems. This helps in elimination of data silos, efficient audience segmentation, easier decision making, and several other benefits, thereby making the business more powerful and capable.

How are No-Code App Development and Omnichannel CDPs complementing each other

No-Code App Development and Omnichannel CDPs

It is only wise to use the advanced technologies that are simplifying and powering business management, operations, expansion, and growth. This is why every business must consider building an app with a no-code app creator and powering marketing and business campaigns using data platforms. Such no-code tools not only automate the process but also make it more efficient, cost-effective, and appealing.

For instance, if you are starting an eCommerce company or even an LMS platform for online education, it is only wise to opt for code-free eCommerce app development or create your LMS app with a no-code education app creator. Similarly, instead of just relying on data collection through multiple resources, you can use a CDP and unify your data management system. No-code app development requires robust security measures to ensure that only authorized users can access and modify data. OAuth vs SAML popular comparison of technologies for federated authentication that streamline user login credentials across multiple platforms and applications. Depending on the developer's needs and preferences, either protocol can be used to enhance security and user experience in no-code app development.

In fact, No-code App Builders and CDPs can together reform how businesses operate and increase their efficiency manifold. The two can together make it easier to engage customers and keep track of the events initiated by customers. Businesses know how to launch an app and monitor in-app activity, collect usage data, track the success of push notifications and marketing campaigns, power support services, and more.

How can businesses benefit from No-Code App Development and Omnichannel CDPs


Data unification platforms and DIY app builders can benefit businesses by preparing them for the fast-paced competition and enabling them to offer the best to their customers. Here’s how businesses can benefit from these platforms:

Ensure omnichannel user experiences

Customers today are more informed than ever. They are using multiple social and web platforms and prefer brands that come to them through these platforms. Therefore, it becomes imperative to ensure that they get the same amazing experience across all platforms without feeling overwhelmed and facing redundancy.

No-code app builders can help you to create an app that replicates your website’s branding, layout, content, and features. Hence, the app users feel familiar when they interact with your app. On the other hand, CDPs let you identify how a customer behaved on one platform and enable you to cater to them accordingly on any other platform, therefore ensuring a strong omnichannel experience.

Streamline data monitoring and collection

Mobile apps can leverage the features of the device they are installed on and give you better access to data. This may include individual and demographic details, location, usage preferences, content choices, etc. Whereas, CDPs help you in collecting data that can be attributed to an identifiable individual.

Therefore, such platforms can help you in amplifying and strengthening your data gamut. Businesses can easily collect data from multiple sources and understand how an individual interacts with the brand on different platforms. The process of data monitoring, collection, organization, and analysis also enhances and helps businesses in taking stronger data-backed decisions.

Increase staff and business efficiency

Mobile apps and Customer Data Platforms can unify and automate several processes. This optimizes the workload and helps businesses and their staff perform better. For instance, a business app with an in-app chat feature can help support staff resolve issues and capture qualifying leads faster as users can access it with a click. This eliminates the need of a back-and-forth email trail.

Similarly, a robust data monitoring and analysis system in place can help executives understand a customer better and extend help, suggestions, and services accordingly. This results in faster resolution of concerns and grievances and mobilization of staff to perform better.

Create personalized content and offers

Personalization can increase the potential of any product, service, content, or offers. Customers will always give preference to customized content over cookie-cutter material and this is where apps and data can play a vital role.

Mobile apps can help boost business-consumer interaction by bridging technical gaps and giving users one-touch access to all the content and data can help in mapping those interactions. Using this data, businesses can create tailor-made content, campaigns, and offers for their customers and win their undivided attention and loyalty.

Send customized push notifications

Push notifications sent through mobile apps garner more attention than web notifications. They have better CTR (Click Through Rate) and are more likely to capture the attention of a user, move them forward in the sales funnel and inspire them to commit the desired action.

However, it is important to send notifications in the right manner and keep track of the metrics associated with a robust push notification campaign, whether periodic or ongoing. Sending such information-backed customized push notifications can increase the potential of the campaign and earn more click throughs.

Boost marketing, support, and services

Marketing is all about knowing what your customers want and how they want it and giving them just that. Clearly, information and data should ideally be the foundation of any marketing campaign, service upgrade, business goals, and even customer support strategies.

Having an app and a CDP in place will help you stay connected with your consumers at all times and offer them the best support and services. It can also propel your marketing campaigns in the right track and avoid wastage of resources in areas that do not have visible potential for your business.

Amplify engagement and conversions

All the factors listed above boil down to the fact that DIY mobile app creators and Customer Data Platforms can help businesses amplify their customer engagement and increase conversions. Strategized usage of resources, budget allocation, business operations, and marketing can also increase the ROI (Return on Investment).

As customer engagement, loyalty, and retention increases, the sales and conversions of a business can also skyrocket. Mobile apps and extensive yet unified data banks can also power other branding platforms and help businesses make the most of them all.

Wrapping up!

Fast pacing technology, ease of doing business, and increasing consumer demands have heightened the competition in every realm, market, and niche. There is no space for run-of-the-mill businesses as they can be easily elbowed out by the ones who are focusing on the bigger picture and intricate details at the same time.

If you have an online business and you are planning on leveling it up, then mobile and data can be your two most significant and powerful weapons. Develop a mobile app with a no-code app builder and then go for a CDP (Customer Data Platform) to record, monitor and analyze all your mobile user data. Take more informed decisions for your mobile commerce and offer a matchless experience to your customers.

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Supriya Tiwary

In-house writer at AppMySite

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