
Iuliia Nesterenko

Technical Writer

How to Add a Subscribe Form to Your Facebook Page

How to Add a Subscribe Form to Your Facebook Page

The more options for data collection you have, the better. Subscription forms rank first among channels aiming to attract customers, and that is where social media steps in.

Social channels, Facebook in particular, are one of the best platforms to gain new customers, and adding a separate subscription tab on your Facebook page is the best way to do it (see how it works). The procedure is really easy and takes several simple steps, but beforehand make sure you have been assigned as an Admin or Editor since personal profile pages are not supported.

How to Add an Iframe Subscribe Form to Facebook

  1. Go to your Facebook page and type in the search “Static HTML iframe tab."

    Static HTML Iframe Tab

  2. Click on the "Add Static HTML to a Page" button.

    Static HTML iframe app

  3. Choose a Facebook page where you want to add the iframe tab.

    Where to add the iframe tab

  4. The iframe app will instantly get visible at the left panel.

    Iframe at the left panel

  5. Go to the app and click "Edit Tab." Add iframe content to the tab. If you use on your website the iframe created by our designers, it’s possible to use if for Facebook as well.

    Iframe subscribe form download

  6. The Static HTML Iframe Tabs app will ask for your page access in order to move on to the tab “Edit name and image.” Type an engaging subscription call in “Tab Name,” and save the name and the entire form.

    A subscribe call for iframe

  7. To see the result, click on “View tab as a visitor” - this is how your subscribers will see the page.

    How iframe subscription form looks like

Final Thoughts

The procedure of adding a no-iframe form is even easier.

  1. Enter the app, paste the code and save the form. Like with an iframe form, you can change a name and insert an image in the Settings.

    No-iframe form

  2. If you want to track what subscribers came on Facebook, opt for a separate form. Otherwise, all users from the website and social media will be assembled in one group.

  3. To delete the app, enter the top Settings > Templates and Tabs.

In Tabs, you can also rearrange the order of the links on the user’s panel. To do this, enter Templates and Tabs.

The order of links

Note that you can add a subscribe form only if your Facebook group has more than 2000 subscribers.

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Iuliia Nesterenko

Technical Writer

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Matthew Rediker 4 years ago

