12 September 2022
3 min

Abandoned Cart: 16% More Clicks
About the Client
The cosmetic company offers products in the middle price range. The volume of contact base is more than 300 thousand users. You must log in to the site or create an account to make a purchase. The registration is lengthy, so customers often leave products in the cart.
Customers continued to leave unpurchased products in the cart, so it was necessary to solve this problem and ensure the buyer completed the purchase.
According to statistics from the Baymard Institute, 67% of users abandon the cart without completing the order. The reasons depend on both the buyer and the seller. Our customer survey also showed that 3/4 of orders on the site remain incomplete.
For whatever reasons a customer leaves a product in their cart, email marketing can help close the deal. Depending on the type of business, the Abandoned Cart trigger email gives a conversion from 6% to 11%. Thus, we can return about a tenth of the lost customers.
To prevent the user from forgetting about the product, we send a reminder email within 2 hours after receiving the abandoned cart event.
The first email with the subject Firstname, we carefully store your products from our chain, looks like this:
The links in the buttons lead directly to the shopping cart.
After the product block, we added a training video on placing an order on the site. Those who did not open the first letter in 2 days received a second reminder with the same content and subject.
Benefits of product recommendations
You can add product recommendations to triggered emails. Artificial intelligence generates blocks that are potentially interesting for the user.
After a month, we added an email to the workflow for those who didn't purchase from the first triggered message. The content remained virtually unchanged; we changed only the theme. We tried to make it more catchy: Firstname, you like it, don't you?
Recipients made 59 purchases from these emails.
Adding a timer
The online store organized a campaign: customers received gifts for purchasing products from the cart. We decided to experiment and check whether the timer counting down the time until the end of the promotion influences the purchase decision. Click Rate was the primary evaluation criterion. The subject line of both emails is Surprise awaits you!
We divided the audience into two equal segments using the Split block in the workflow.
The first segment received an email with a discount on items in the cart:
The second segment received an email with a timer and the discount:
Insert timer in your email
Abandoned Cart trigger performance for the first month:
Recipients made 119 from abandoned cart emails.
The indicators of the campaign made a month after the first:
Recipients made 59 from the 2nd campaign.
We increased the Click Rate by 16% using a timer email: 35% versus 19% clicks.
The timer in the email increased the click rate by almost two times. It creates an effect of urgency and thus helps to increase sales.
- Send an abandoned cart email on the same day, or better, within a few hours.
- Build a trigger chain of 2-3 emails.
- Test hypotheses: whether interactivity encourages purchases, whether a discount or a gift will work better, etc.