How Email Marketers Can Get Prepared for Apple Mail Privacy Protection

Apple recently announced new features for iOS 15 and newer which are expected to roll out somewhere in October to November. Most of them address user data privacy and data tracking permissions. See the full review in our article Privacy Updates for iOS 14.5 and 15 and What They Mean for Digital Marketing.

The feature that concerns most email marketers around is Mail Privacy Protection. Based on it, new users opening the Apple Mail app for the first time will see a prompt offering to select one of the options – Protect Mail activity or Don’t protect Mail activity.

Emails for users who select the Protect Mail activity option will be first routed by Apple to pre-load message content and then delivered to recipients’ Inboxes. This means that even readers who don’t open these emails will count in your campaign reports as opens.

This is expected to affect email marketing strategies that hugely rely on open rates to:

So far, there is no single answer on how to respond to the upcoming policy. However, there are certain steps your brand can already start doing. Listen to the advice of our experts to get your email marketing prepared.

16 Tips to Prepare Your Email Marketing for iOS 15 Updates

Natalia Ustimenko, our platform

When in 2018 the GDPR introduced DOI (Double Opt-In) and obliged brands to send confirmation emails asking users to confirm their email address, many were struck by panic. Marketers started adopting some premature decisions like bombarding their contacts with numerous confirmation requests, splitting existing contacts into multiple groups, reducing email volume in the countries covered by the GDPR policies. All it did was harming their deliverability and sender reputation.

So before revising your email strategy, analyze your contact base and evaluate possible risks.

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Once you figure out what part of your contacts are expected to be affected, plan your next steps.

Jordie van Rijn, Emailmonday

We have to see how Apple will exactly implement their changes. In the meantime, there is a lot that marketers CAN do to increase intentional engagement beyond just opens.

Why is intentional engagement so important?

By planning engagement and including engagement triggers in every email, you won’t just be building your brand and offer a richer brand experience to your readers. The idea is to tease out valuable first-party click and self-reported data which in turn lets you improve segmentation and follow-up emails. Examples and ideas of how you can implement this:

Email marketers are a very adaptive bunch, so things will be alright. Just never forget it is the marketers’ job (not your customers) to make the emails interesting and elicit engagement, intentionally.

Apple Mail Privacy is one of a number of regulations impacting email marketing strategies. It's neither the first nor the only one, and we'll definitely see more privacy acts in the future as users seek more digital protection and security.

This doesn’t mean you should give up on your marketing or adapt poor-thought decisions. What it means is to keep on improving and innovating your tactics to both meet the privacy requirements and deliver value to your customers.

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