Our Updates of November 2021

This month, our team worked mainly on two areas – subscription forms and multilanguage in product recommendations.

You can find our October news here.

Announcement of a New Project Claspo

For half a year we have been working on our native subscription forms, which have evolved into an independent project. Claspo.io saw the world earlier this month, and early adopters are already testing its capabilities.

As in the case of Stripo.email, all the new functionality of the forms will be available immediately in your account in our platform. For those who only need forms and everything related to them, a full-fledged personal account in Claspo.io will be available in February. In the meantime, you can familiarize yourself with its features in our platform.

Claspo.io features:

Professional marketing becomes available with us! We’ll be glad to see you among beta users of Claspo.io.

Improvements to Subscription Forms

Two new types of forms

Learn more>>

Subscribing new contacts only

You can hide native subscription forms for existing subscribers via display conditions. By default, this option is disabled for inline and enabled for modal and floating forms.
The contact uniqueness is checked by contact ID, which resides in the browser's local storage. Contact ID enters the repository in one of the following ways:

New conditions for displaying forms

For display frequency

Added options to native forms:

By default, Do not limit is selected for inline forms and Once per session – for modals and floating ones.

For display by UTM tags

Now the UTM persists for the entire session and can be combined with other conditions. For example, to avoid disturbing existing subscribers with pop-up forms, you can add the condition Exclude pages where UTM source is equal to service-promo.

Changing the main language version

In the multilanguage settings, you can now set any language version of the form as the default version.

Built-in components

Now you can drag and drop components onto the form: buttons, containers, contact fields, etc.

Replacing the old form

A new placement option, Replace element, is now available for inline forms. For example, if a subscription form has already been created on the website in our or another service, you can replace it with a new one by specifying a CSS selector.

Linking the text

The form editor now can add links to text. For example, to refer to

You can open a dialog with settings on the pop-up panel or use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+K).

Separating publish and save operations

There are 2 modes now:

Notifications of unpublished changes appear

If you make a form that has unpublished changes visible to visitors, a notification appears that the appearance has unpublished changes.

Copying forms

Now you can copy your subscription form. This will help you quickly create new forms based on the previously created ones.

Recommendations Updates

Loading multilingual product feeds

Defining page languages for multilingualism

The definition of the language occurs in the following sequence:

This is possible after downloading the required language versions of the feeds. If the language of the page is still not defined, then the recommendations will be substituted from the main feed.

Multilingual headers

If your account has additional language versions of feeds loaded, then you need to set the titles for them that will be displayed on the website.

Small But Important Improvements

In workflows

You can use a filter for active/inactive workflows.

In segments

Now you can quickly split any segment into 3 parts. This can be used for testing, for example.


To learn more about custom features, please email us or book a demo. If some features aren’t available for your account, please contact our support.

🔒 GDPR, CCPA, CASL Compliant. Your data is safe and secure with us.