Facem marketingul profesional simplu

Convenabil pentru creșterea vânzărilor repetate
și îmbunătățirea loialității clienților

Noi Creștem Vânzările

Mărește-ți profiturile cu unelte de vârf și soluții profesionale de marketing
Fă o creștere a angajării clientului pe orice canal
Încurajează o relație directă cu clientul tău folosind cel mai convenabil canal:
Șabloane moderne de e-mail responsive care arată bine pe orice dispozitiv
Editor de e-mail ușor de utilizat
O interfață de drag-and-drop simplificată este optimizată pentru design de e-mail de succes. Șabloane de e-mail încorporate care încorporează toate fezabilitățile moderne - Asistență AMP, Multilanguage, conținut dinamic, Personalizare în timp real, adaptabilitate, ușurință pentru mobil - poate fi personalizată pentru orice nevoi.
Editor de e-mail ușor de utilizat
Orientări pentru fiecare etapă a dezvoltării întreprinderilor
Agenție de marketing prin e-mail
Planifică acea scară cu creșterea bazei tale de contact. Oferim patru planuri personalizate de tarifare care corespund nevoilor schimbătoare ale afacerii tale. Măreşte lista ta de e-mail şi ajunge la o audienţă mai mare cu noi.
Agenție de marketing prin e-mail
Pentru noi, această echipă este mai mult decât un simplu partener de marketing. Pe lângă alte avantaje, acestea oferă o gestionare ușoară a bazelor de contacte, un editor de e-mail grozav cu diferite opțiuni utile și o bună funcționalitate pentru analiză.
Denis Kaplunov
CEO Studio Denis Kaplunov
Studiile noastre de caz
Declanșatorii personalizați au crescut vânzările cu 87%
Distribuitorul de farmacie a dorit să implementeze factorii esenţiali de declanşare şi campaniile omnichannel. Campaniile de segmentare bazate pe comportamentul lui Yespo, s-au dovedit a fi eficiente în prima lună. În medie, cinci campanii personalizate au crescut vânzările online cu 3% în două luni, cu venituri bogate de mesagerie de 87% și cu 38% veniturile din e-mail.
Case: Custom AI solution helped a photo editor increase the income by 17%
Case: Custom AI solution helped a photo editor increase the income by 17%
Case: Custom AI solution helped a photo editor increase the income by 17%
Mesajele declanșate au ajutat aplicația mobilă să crească achizițiile cu 1.5x
O aplicație complexă Umico care combină un program de loialitate universal, iar banca mobilă a dorit să mărească rata de retenție și să automatizeze comunicarea cu utilizatorul pentru a le aduce la aplicație în mod eficient. Cu declanșarea tehnologiei mobile, utilizatorii Umico au făcut cumpărături de 1,5 ori mai des. Aplicația a avut 20% mai puține coșuri abandonate după activarea mesajelor declanșate în acest canal.
Case: Omnichannel workflows helped an online retailer recover 92% of abandoend carts
Case: Omnichannel workflows helped an online retailer recover 92% of abandoend carts
Case: Omnichannel workflows helped an online retailer recover 92% of abandoend carts
Recomandările de produse măresc conversiile declanșatoare până la 233%
O piaţă cu website şi aplicaţie mobilă a dorit să crească procentul de retenţie şi de vânzări repetate. Prin implementarea recomandărilor promoționale în mesaje, au sporit conversia factorilor declanșatori existenți cu până la 233%, precum și a generat noi vânzări prin introducerea unor factori declanșatori suplimentari bazați pe segmentarea avansată.
Case: Optimization of triggers for an eCommerce stimulated revenue growth by 44%
Case: Optimization of triggers for an eCommerce stimulated revenue growth by 44%
Case: Optimization of triggers for an eCommerce stimulated revenue growth by 44%


În fiecare zi, 3 500 de clienţi primesc mai multe vânzări online prin campanii automatizate specifice industriei Yespo

Daria Harmash
Daria Harmash
Email Marketer at Omnicore
Citește toate recenziile
Customers require personalized communication, so a customer data platform becomes a necessary tool for effective interaction. In Yespo CDP, there's a plethora of data about contacts: personal information, purchases, and loyalty program data. This provides limitless possibilities for automated personalized communication and significantly saves the marketer's time on setups. Thanks to CDP's ability to store everything in one place, we've set up many trigger communications – standard (abandoned carts, abandoned views) and unique ones created specifically for our client's audience. In particular, we've worked on the user journey to the first purchase, which has increased the number of those making a purchase within the first month after subscription/registration. We often use segmentation by gender and purchases (quantity and frequency). During sales periods, we use segmentation based on viewing specific categories of products to avoid spamming. In terms of email activity and purchases, such campaigns have better conversion rates than ones for the entire base. All clients are different, and each one requires a tailored approach. Some fundamentally don't read emails after receiving a subscription promo code, while others read most emails, and spamming such clients in other channels is unnecessary. So, we're looking for better ways of interaction, which naturally affects brand perception. We also see the effect in terms of revenue. There are results even in the web push channel, which many consider controversial. On some projects, trigger pushes account for about 5% of transaction volume from trigger messages.
Andrew Sus
Andrew Sus
Digital Marketer Brabrabra
Citește toate recenziile
We chose the CDP due to the functionality of transferring communication results to Google BigQuery. For our company, it is critically important. We paid back the costs of this integration in the first two weeks of the trigger on the inclusion of the bonus program.
Anton Kondratyuk
Anton Kondratyuk
Retention Manager at Book-Ye.com
Citește toate recenziile
Thanks to Yespo CDP, we have improved almost all key metrics, starting from email Open and Conversion Rates to retention. With CDP features, we can communicate more effectively with our customers and offer relevant products they are most likely to be interested in at the right time. For businesses considering implementing CDP, I would advise not to delay its implementation :) Rather, determine what you need exactly, and with the help of competent Yespo managers, choose the tariff that suits you. I have been working in Retention marketing for more than 10 years and have never heard negative feedback from colleagues about cooperation with the Yespo service. On the contrary, people regretted using, for example, the expensive Mailchimp, which does not have even 50% of the functionality of the Ukrainian Yespo CDP service. Try it, and you will not regret it.
Natali Kovalenko
Natali Kovalenko
Teamlead of Email Marketing at Promodo
Citește toate recenziile
Thanks to the omnichannel approach, we managed to increase revenue. For example, the App Inbox brought +28% to Retention channel revenue (over 9 months). The completeness of data provided by CDP plays a crucial role in segmentation and personalization. By combining data, we implemented more automated messages and optimized communication costs. For instance, one client had an extensive database of phone numbers (valuable clients) and 2.4 times fewer emails. With additional communications and subscription forms, about 2% of contacts who only had a phone number added their email. This helped us shift communication to email and thus optimize costs. Additionally, the client can choose their preferred channel, newsletter topics, and preferences (we collect this data through surveys or the subscription center). This makes the customer more engaged and increases their LTV. For those considering implementing a customer data platform in their marketing system, I recommend not to hesitate, as it's worth it! In Yespo CDP, you can consolidate data from all communication channels. Another advantage of this customer data platform is the prompt technical support.
Anna Shchur
Anna Shchur
Head of Promo and Retention at Prom.ua
Citește toate recenziile
Yespo CDP enables us to build omnichannel interaction and achieve better results by communicating in the right channel and simultaneously optimizing conversion costs. Our main communication channel is mobile pushes, but we also use emails, Viber, and SMS. We've increased the share of mobile push in sales from 0.5% to 9%, built quality communication, and optimized the budget.
Alina Pshenichnikova
Alina Pshenichnikova
Head of Product Email & Retention at Netpeak
Citește toate recenziile
In our work with clients, the goal is always the same – increasing revenue and conversion rate, and with CDP, this can be done quite easily and quickly. Thanks to Yespo CDP, we have more touchpoints with subscribers and better understand their needs, which in turn increases conversion rates. Using the customer data platform helps create personalized offers, segment, and communicate with subscribers across different channels using omnichannel workflows. In projects where we utilized deep segmentation, we experienced increased conversion to transaction, revenue, and an increase in CToR. Typically, this segmentation is based on orders (number of purchases, their frequency, types of products viewed / left in the cart / ordered). We most often use product recommendations on the website and in emails. To create offers, we use data about the user's previous experience on the client's website. Recommendations have increased channel revenue to the level previously achieved by mass and trigger campaigns together. We constantly test different approaches because user behavior changes depending on the season, site promotions, and so on.
Alona Melon
Alona Melon
Retention Product Manager at Shafa.ua
Citește toate recenziile
For us, it's crucial that Yespo allows setting up omnichannel within one trigger workflow. This way, we don't overwhelm the user with the same messages in different channels and save company costs by communicating with customers in cheaper channels. Thanks to the omnichannel approach, we've managed to reduce the cost of order (dialogue) from retention channels and the number of messages sent to the user (while reducing irritation). As a result of this strategy, for example, the abandoned view trigger brought in 125,500 UAH in profit for July 2023.
Daria Harmash
Daria Harmash
Email Marketer at Omnicore
Citește toate recenziile
Customers require personalized communication, so a customer data platform becomes a necessary tool for effective interaction. In Yespo CDP, there's a plethora of data about contacts: personal information, purchases, and loyalty program data. This provides limitless possibilities for automated personalized communication and significantly saves the marketer's time on setups. Thanks to CDP's ability to store everything in one place, we've set up many trigger communications – standard (abandoned carts, abandoned views) and unique ones created specifically for our client's audience. In particular, we've worked on the user journey to the first purchase, which has increased the number of those making a purchase within the first month after subscription/registration. We often use segmentation by gender and purchases (quantity and frequency). During sales periods, we use segmentation based on viewing specific categories of products to avoid spamming. In terms of email activity and purchases, such campaigns have better conversion rates than ones for the entire base. All clients are different, and each one requires a tailored approach. Some fundamentally don't read emails after receiving a subscription promo code, while others read most emails, and spamming such clients in other channels is unnecessary. So, we're looking for better ways of interaction, which naturally affects brand perception. We also see the effect in terms of revenue. There are results even in the web push channel, which many consider controversial. On some projects, trigger pushes account for about 5% of transaction volume from trigger messages.
Andrew Sus
Andrew Sus
Digital Marketer Brabrabra
Citește toate recenziile
We chose the CDP due to the functionality of transferring communication results to Google BigQuery. For our company, it is critically important. We paid back the costs of this integration in the first two weeks of the trigger on the inclusion of the bonus program.
Anton Kondratyuk
Anton Kondratyuk
Retention Manager at Book-Ye.com
Citește toate recenziile
Thanks to Yespo CDP, we have improved almost all key metrics, starting from email Open and Conversion Rates to retention. With CDP features, we can communicate more effectively with our customers and offer relevant products they are most likely to be interested in at the right time. For businesses considering implementing CDP, I would advise not to delay its implementation :) Rather, determine what you need exactly, and with the help of competent Yespo managers, choose the tariff that suits you. I have been working in Retention marketing for more than 10 years and have never heard negative feedback from colleagues about cooperation with the Yespo service. On the contrary, people regretted using, for example, the expensive Mailchimp, which does not have even 50% of the functionality of the Ukrainian Yespo CDP service. Try it, and you will not regret it.
Natali Kovalenko
Natali Kovalenko
Teamlead of Email Marketing at Promodo
Citește toate recenziile
Thanks to the omnichannel approach, we managed to increase revenue. For example, the App Inbox brought +28% to Retention channel revenue (over 9 months). The completeness of data provided by CDP plays a crucial role in segmentation and personalization. By combining data, we implemented more automated messages and optimized communication costs. For instance, one client had an extensive database of phone numbers (valuable clients) and 2.4 times fewer emails. With additional communications and subscription forms, about 2% of contacts who only had a phone number added their email. This helped us shift communication to email and thus optimize costs. Additionally, the client can choose their preferred channel, newsletter topics, and preferences (we collect this data through surveys or the subscription center). This makes the customer more engaged and increases their LTV. For those considering implementing a customer data platform in their marketing system, I recommend not to hesitate, as it's worth it! In Yespo CDP, you can consolidate data from all communication channels. Another advantage of this customer data platform is the prompt technical support.
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8.5 din 10
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